
Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I don't know-- it just looked like a butt to me.

I made a delicious spaghetti squash dish on Tuesday night. Om nom nom.

Things are moving apace on the house. Once I'd cleared away some more of the crap and wiped off some dust in the kitchen, I found this hideous roccoco (oh no!) switchplate cover. Covered it up with black, but it still doesn't cover the way the crap laminate veneer was cut wonky and too wide for the aperture. *eye-rolling*

One day in the next year or so, this whole suite of cabinets and counters are going to be kicked to the curb.


  1. Heh. Roccoco. She said Roccoco! (1:55, if you're impatient.)

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I like that switchplate! You can send it to me. Just unusual enough. . .

    B Woodman

  3. Good one, and yep, that switchplate is different! :-)

  4. Hmm...I see those lemons and think of Heidi Montag. Or as someone called her today - a cheap plastic pool float.

    Sorry, does that make me bad? :-)
