
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yeah. What HE said: Walk Tall.

PDB posted words Monday that make a lot of sense to me:

So chin up, you sons of bitches. Walk tall. Be proud, not weary. We are made bigger by big challenges. Rehearse your arguments, prepare your lists of legislators for the fall, get ready to volunteer for the correct candidate and oppose the traitors. Flood the papers and blogs with letters and posts and comments, let nobody forget who inflicted this upon us. Load your magazines and sharpen your knives.

Go tell it. I called someone in D.C. Monday. I'll probably do it again today. And tomorrow. Hell. I've got unlimited minutes and I feel like they need to hear what I really think of their unconstitutional acts.


  1. So what makes an act constitutional or not constitutional? The Conservatives dismissed the constitution as "just a piece of paper" when GWB was in the oval office... now all of a sudden Conservatives have dusted it off and want to wave it around. Interesting!

  2. Robert, sweetie: When you say "The Conservatives" I think you must be speaking of those same elected arseholes I referred to here, actually. I never felt GWB was a conservative and by no means did I support or agree with everything he did as president. Also, you seem to be saying if one group of people tramples the constitution, then it's okay for another. I don't agree.

    At some point, we've got to either pinch off the double-life our representatives live, elect different and less corruptible ones, or we need to change the system utterly.

  3. I believe in equal opportunity. I'm dissapointed in both parties right now and look beyond labels. I'm more interested in how they view the intent of our founding fathers. Niether party has a lock on that.

  4. Unfortunately, abuse of the Constitution is much older than GWB. It goes back to Woodrow Wilson at the very least. FDR raised it to an art form. GWB just took advantage of years of precedence and American apathy/stupidity.

    Don't forget, even if your Congressman voted against it and is generally a decent human being, there is nothing stopping you from volunteering to help another candidate nearby running against someone who did vote for it.

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Tell ya what.
    If you feel so about "The Constitution", how's about I buy you a one-way ticket to Cuba. See how you like living there with no easy way out.

    B Woodman

  6. Meh- I couldn't even get through... sigh...

  7. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Yell all you want to, vote these people out of office, raise all manner of opposition and complaint: the fact remains, this bill is passed.
    Unless someone has the guts to revoke it (or better yet, impeach the POTUS and get rid of Biden and Pelosi), we are stuck with it.
    Hitler not only kommen, he ist hier.
    Elsewhere PhD

  8. Every little helps Phlegmy...go get em!

  9. The best analogy I have is that a hornet nest has been disturbed. Like with hornets, they won't get away without being stung multiple times.

    It serves them right. All they had to do was pay attention and not screw with the inhabitants.

  10. So, is this new health care plan supposed to make my blood pressure rise? If so it worked.

    Thank you for making your voice heard in D.C. Phlegmlett.

  11. Hey Anonymous... you must be slow on the uptake. I fully support the Constitution; was making a comment about how suddenly the Conservatives are wanting to be all, uh, constitutional after dissing it for the previous 8 years.

    but I can see why you want to remain "anonymous" though... I'd be ashamed if my IQ was in the two digits as well.

  12. Wow, Robert. Please pick a fight with that anonymous, but let me get my popcorn first, mkay? :P
