
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Objects on dinner plate may be larger than they appear.

Bayou Renaissance Man and Wing did a quick road tour of neighboring states last week and passed through Texas on the way home. It was great to see them, and though it was gilding the lily, they passed along some steaks from Farm Family which I just had to cook up on Monday night.

As the steaks were thawing, I put them in a ziploc tub in the fridge, and it seemed only fitting that the Hellpups from Hades™ got to join in on the feast. so I let them drink up the juice from the thaw. They did not seem to mind helping with the cleanup.

I made a yummy side dish by toasting some sliced almonds and setting aside, then fried 3 pieces of pepper bacon. I took the bacon out of the skillet and then threw in thinly sliced new potatoes, fresh green beans and a single thinly sliced shallot and a little fresh cracked pepper and salt. Then I tossed it all together with the almonds and chopped up bacon stuff and a mix of romano, asiago and parmesan cheeses and fresh flat Italian parsley. This turned out to be a perfect side for the beef.

By the way, these are full size dinner plates in the classic Spode tradition, so objects on plate may be larger than they appear in photograph. DELICIOUS.

Om nom nom. Thanks so much for thinking of us, FarmMom, FarmDad and FarmGirl. You are the loveliest set of folks, truly! And if you ever have a chance to nom on FarmMom's gravy, don't miss it. My toes are curling just thinking about it.


  1. So glad you enjoyed them! I actually had an ulterior motive. If I get you addicted to the beef you must come visit to get more! LOL

    BRM and Wing were such a delight to have visit and were happy to play delivery service.

    This is our housewarming gift to both of you! Enjoy the steaks and welcome to your new house!

  2. Usually we split the sirloins up and feed two or three people off one steak.

    But I totally agree that they're om nom, and I lurve your plates!

  3. Glad to be of service in delivering them! It was great to meet you!

    Now I have to fend off BRM and use words like "heart-healthy" and "You said you wanted to lose the weight you gained on vacation" to keep him from using puppy-dog-eyes to get me to make that side dish...

  4. As I gaze at my pressed ham sandwich, I realize my imagination isn't as vivid as needed at the moment.

  5. And all I get is TV dinners... sigh... ;-)
