
Friday, November 06, 2009

What kind of bloggery is this?

In which Our Heroine engages in the dropping of the names and other, show-offy sorts of behaviours...

After work today, I'm off to Blogorado where, yeah, I'll be hanging out with FarmGirl and her guests who'll include Atomic Nerds, Breda, Matt G & JPG, Ambulance Driver, Snarky, Christina, AEPilotJim, OldNFO, SnarkyBytes, at least one mystery surprise guest, someone with a .50 cal in tow, and Buck and Roy and the whole Hee Haw gang. And LawDog. Did I mention LawDog? I love mentioning LawDog. Sorely missed will be Peter, who's still on the mend, alas, and Hols who would've added that Southern Belle quality to the occasion which I so love. *le sigh*

FarmFamily killed the fatted calf. Om nom nom.
We're gonna shoot stuff and eat lots of dead cow. Good times!


  1. Have a fantastic time.

  2. Yes, yes. But what are the proper and stylish SHOES for the flat part of Colorado? That's what people WANT TO KNOW!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Can't think of a better way to pass the time.

    B Woodman

  4. Wish my knee would allow m to go. I KNOW I'll miss a good time.

  5. I'm insanely jealous! I've only met four of you!

  6. Yay!! Tell us all about the 4-H Blogprom! :-)

  7. Dang, I wish we were going. We need to bring out the FAL.

    Be safe.


  8. Truly a shame that Holly won't be able to make it, but Matt and I are coming anyhow. Matt must be part of a wedding party for a co-worker late SA afternoon. As soon as he can gracefully exit, though, we'll head NW on US287. I hope he has directions from there, 'cause I sure don't.

    We should arrive around midday Sunday.
