
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Pupdate: fresh from the wiener factory.

Daisy has resigned herself to the fact that she's going to need help with all those little bairns, and so after the first couple days' standoffishness, she started bringing the pups one by one to Sis for inspection, apparently.

I's hard to believe this little roundy-snouted beast will one day have a long-and-pointy countenance, but such is the nature of puppydom, eh? What pretty little things they be. :)

Here's to puppy breath and all that baby softness! Here's to still being in the stage in which Mama dog cleans up after them.


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Looks like the next addition to the menagerie.

  2. Yep, you're falling for them... sigh... :-)

  3. I think someone is gonna wind up with a 3rd...

  4. Dogs are so precious!
