
Friday, November 27, 2009

How he celebrates wanksgiving...

I'm sure Obama is as entitled as anyone to wax masturbatory over having his ugly mug on the cover of GQ, or Oprah! or whatever publication, and I'm sure The Royal Couple are thrifty enough to eschew the amount of staff required to keep the throne room stocked with fresh reading material, but...

What I want to know is what the frell is up with these melon-farming-ly ugly-arsed shoes? Wherever he is, it's cool enough to need a jacket, so (A) why's he wearing bloody sandals? and (B) if he must wear sandals, why wear some which from a distance look like the injection-molded plastic sandals favored by folks in LDNs* and famous in $1 and Under stores? Srsly?
In some bizarre twist, these prolly are $450 kidskin jobs from Givenchy.
How exotic! Did he get them in Rangoon? Hong Kong? Accra?
No. Barney's, New York.

On a brighter note, I confess I am enjoying a rather tasty vision of Michelle beating the tar out of him with one of these sandals.
On second thought, Barry- keep wearing them.
*lesser evolved nations


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Didn't you know? All Africans wear sandals.
    Elsewhere PhD.

  2. WAY UP HERE in the LAND OF sub zero temps AND LAKE EFFECT SNOW..... I am alternately perplexed and annoyed at the nimrods who insist on wearing phlip phlops and even SHORTS if the weather hits above 40.....those specific sandals you have highlighted are especiale nastay...not a fan of man-toes in public places..even presidential ones..

  3. Muslims prefer slippers, sandals and such. They're easier to remove when it's prayer time.

    So, I've heard...

  4. Crucis beat me to it...

  5. Crucis, I was thinking the exact same thing.

    Maybe he was on his way to the mosque...

  6. NFO, DW, we just think alike.

  7. It's gotta be da shoes. With Miss Phlegmmy, it's just gotta be da shoes:)

