
Saturday, November 07, 2009

Bela Lugosi's Dead - Ukelele Style

Gus and Fin are at it again.

If, like me, your teenaged self oozed unctuously around town, too cool for the room, styling to Bauhaus' doom-crooning hit, then you'll love this version.

White on white

translucent black capes

back from the rack...
red velvet lines
the black box...

Oh, the drama!

Clever boys.


  1. That was great! I love that song.

  2. Ah, the 8-minute (1 clove) DJ smoke break song!

    I just sent that off to my favorite ukelele-playing goth. Heaven help me; he'll find something to bend my brain in revenge - or better yet, when next we meet up, he'll have mastered it. Y'never know.
