
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

In time Gibraltar may crumble, the Rockies may tumble...

Once upon a time before triple-threat showmanship was dead, you could see folks like Johnny Carson and Pearl Bailey toss out a floor show and bring down the house. At one point Pearl ooches over the piano player and takes up the supporting instrument without missing a beat. Not bad for a lady who was singing before they invented electricity. What a set of pipes. That dress is fabulous, too. Watch for Johnny's faux striptease. Rich, golden stuff.

Our Love is Here To Stay by George and Ira Gershwin
This will make you smile.


  1. One night, near the end of Carson's run, I saw him do a drum "battle" with Dana Carvey. Both could really play.

    I don't think triple-threat showmanship is dead, but, from our generation on, parents didn't force the issue about music lessons. People have different creative outlets today.

    "PC" from those Apple commercials:

    or JJ Abrams, the man who saved "Star Trek" (IMHO):

    JJ does music too:

    The Playmobil video was the band's creation, however.

  2. That was dandy!!Love that dress too!

  3. Good one, and no, they can't do that anymore...

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    One half of that duo once kept a whole bunch of pre-high school-aged kids out in the sun in 120+ degree weather in a certain Arab country, waiting for her to show up. Finally the Crown Prince, who lived across from the school, told the school authorities to bring the children to his garden where they could have shade and provided them something cold to drink.
    She never did show. The next day was a repeat of the same. This time the Crown Prince ordered the school authorities to take the kids back to the classroom.
    She wasn't sure whether she didn't feel well or she forgot. However, she regained both her health and her memory to perform for a good chunk of gelt each night.
    So, ain't no love here for that half.
    Elsewhere PhD

  5. Thank you for that! Our oldest child, now in her late thirties, did not sleep much at night; I swear her first words were "Here's Johnny!"

