
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hummingbird situational awareness...

This is amazingly cute. It goes to 11, in fact. I was watching how the hummingbird looks around more time than it spends slurping up the nectar. Then I thought again-- he finally lights on the palm of a big monser! EWWWW! Scary!


  1. My Aunt has a honeysuckle bush wound on a trellis with several Hummingbird feeders on the edge of her patio. She has around a dozen hummers during the summer. From time to time, she'll put out a saucer of sugar-water on a table next to her patio chair and they'll come and feed out of it.

    Beautiful birds.

  2. I have fed sparrows and titmice out of the palm of my hand but never a!

  3. Anonymous5:53 AM

    We don't have Hummingbirds in Australia (at least, not this sort) and I was never aware of how small and delicate they are until now. Glorious.
    Thank you.
