
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Progress Report...

This hallway has been transformed-- trust me on that one. The hardwood floor in this house is a rich, warm color and is actually in quite nice condition.

The blue room at the end of the hallway is the room I emptied out this weekend. (Not where the spider was, though.) Monday night I scrubbed baseboards and made a first-stab at cleaning the floor. I got a little of my cut-in work done with the Kilz2, but not much. I worked so hard this weekend that I'm feeling a little wiped-out. Plus that 30 year old blue paint is going to prolly take 2 coats of Kilz to properly cover.

Speaking of the spider, I am wondering if it didn't come in on one of the cardboard boxes I bought that day at the local do-it-yo'sef store. What do you think? There are no big cobwebs or egg sacs that I've seen, so I'm hoping it was just an interloper. Have done a bit of reading and know a bomb is not the way to go. Am checking into a proper extermination. Not a bad idea, anyway, since I live by pasture and lots of creepy-crawlies will be trying to find a way indoors as the chill sets in...

More later...


  1. Looks like your work is paying off in spades. That floor looks beautiful!

  2. Black Widow spiders like dark secluded places to lurk. You'll find them under furniture, in cabinets and in crawl spaces.(In boxes too) They usually don't travel and their web is really obvious because there is no pattern. It looks like a tangled mess. They aren't aggressive and won't bite unless they are touched or you stick your finger or toe in their web.

    I'd still set off a bomb. They have two purposes: One is they kill isects. The other is they kill the food source for spiders.

    As far as spraying, get the proper insecticide at the hardware, or feed store. Buy a pump up sprayer, get some rubber gloves, mix as directed and spray along the baseboards, in cabinets, in crawl spaces, in the attic and around the outside of the house. There are many that are pet friendly after drying and don't have an objectionable odor.

  3. You have been busy!

    And those truly are gorgeous floors.

  4. As someone who has painted a hallway, that looks great!

    California Black Widow Story: they like outhouses up in the woods and build nests on the underside of the hole where they can catch a lot of flies and stuff. Miner-49'ers who sat their skinny butts down sometimes angered the girl who ran out and gave them a sting. Sometimes they died in great agony. So I'm told.

  5. I'm discovering roaches in my new house. Freaking big ones. I do not like.

  6. go with the pro on this one....ask around for recommendations.
    I LIVE WITH ONE. He has been for 15+ years..... oh the stories I've heard!
    Hallway looks just lovely!!!
    Carry On!

  7. Kill them all, let Deity handle the sorting!

    Not a critter fan, here...
