
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

lost in tlansration...

I'm on the phone with Live! Nood! Customers! now. I'm still not officially hired yet- still more hoops I've yet to jump through.

A lady called in Monday who didn't speak English. I needed her to hold while I dialed an interpreter for the line. I said to the lady "uno momento, s'il vous plait." Uh. Domo arigato, arrive-dorky!

Um, if it's not about you, then why are you the one who has to git 'er done? If it's not about you, why do you have to have to be on the news or holding wank-fest press conferences on a nearly daily basis? If it's not about you, then why are you so dead-set that you are the one to get nationalized healthcare passed? Actually I think you want it to all be about you because it's your world. We're just living in it. You're so vain, I'll bet you think this blog is about you.


  1. For what it's worth, I took Spanish in high school and am currently learning French, and find myself often doint the same type of thing. It doesn't help that some of the words and constructs are so similar.

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Been there, done that, with German (which I remember a smattering of).

    B Woodman

  3. I don't know a second language, although I find the need for Wal Martian. I fail in communicating with body language and expression while navigating the aisles of Wal Mart. There must be some definite term to relate the displeasure of trying to push a loaded basket through a mob of obese loiterers that fail to understand the rudeness of blocking access while catching up with current events. While they may find their conversation important, I don't care about them, or their third cousin with the anal fissures.

  4. Welcome to the club. At least your callers are generally on the same continent.

    More than once I've found my accent 'accidentally' slipping into Apu mode when things get tense and they don't understand Texan. Oddly, they think I'm from Bangalore and suddenly it's old home week. If only they knew...


  5. Keep on hanging on Phlegmmy! re the rest, yeah pretty much agree, he thinks it's ALL about him...

  6. "I bet you think this blog is about you".

    Oh my. . I almost spilled my coffee :-)

    I have few language skills. I can read French and Spanish and a little bit of Russian, but my speaking skills are well. BAD. I can say "free beer" in most tongues but anything else I attempt will likely be viewed as an insult to one's mother/sister/country or an invitation to a congress of the sexual nature. So I usually just keep quiet.
