
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Odd thing...

It's funny how perceptions differ from one place to another.

A girlfriend told me she'd been out on the family ranch in Abilene and let her 5 year old nephew choose her traveling ensemble for the flight home. He opted for the brown and lime green cowgirl boots with the white eyelet dress. She shrugged and said "looks great to me, buddy!" and wore them as instructed. She said walking through the airport in Abilene, passersby said "I like your dress" or "great boots!" She got off the plane and walked through the terminal at DFW and eyebrows raised and she felt all and sundry were ready to cock a snot at her sartorial selections.

Screw 'em.

I got all gussied up for an interview Friday with a company in a place Elsewhere from Dallas. I did well in the interview. The interviewer made mention that casual was also allowed at this company. As in shorts-and-flip-flops casual.

I had to come back Monday for a follow-up thingie, so I made free to wear a flouncy skirt with my black Lucchese boots and a linen top with some fabulous Zuni turquoise jewelry. That may not have flown in Dallas for a job interview, and that sets me to wondering why you'd stay here if you have the choice to be Elsewhere. I stepped through the doorway for the interview Monday morning and some random woman started raving about all my gear. I knew I was in the right place.

I'm gonna like that town, and it's gonna love me.


  1. I was talking to Holly not too long ago, and she said, "People in Houston have always been a little jealous of Dallas." Diet Coke came out my nose, and I said, "Most people in Houston haven't thought of Dallas in years!" Of course, she's right on one front - we hate the Cowboys because they were winners, and many of their fans were arrogant jerks. When I think of Dallas (where I have spent zero time since the '80's), I think of a place where women puff up their hair and put on their fancy duds to go down to the 7-11. That is to say, way overdressed and a tad condescending. Of course, it may be all different now. ;-)

  2. Yay! Sounds like the interview went well then!

  3. I'm working on a new job as well, unfortunately it will involve wearing a tie.

    Fortunately, it will involve a significant pay increase.

    I can live with that.

  4. Sounds like a great place. I like casual, it makes for a much more comfortable work environment.

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I think Lucchese boots are about the only ones still made here and are all I buy. Good choice!


  6. you definitely ARE in the right place.

  7. G Bro - Hey now-- I am fancy! But I was equally flamboyant before I left Arkansas.

    Jay G - I'm feeling quite optimistic about this one. And the pay is better.

    Rustmeister - well, for a little extra dosh, you can afford to put on the dog a bit. Congrats on the new prospect!

    Hammer - I agree - I'll mostly dress up because I'm just wired that way, but it's nice to know you have the option of going to work in your pajamas.

    ben - I believe Ariats are made in the USA, and at a fraction of the Lucchese price. I have two pair and they are staples of my shoe wardrobe. I highly recommend them

    Breda - *squeeeee!*

  8. Shorts and flip-flops - all you need besides a t-shirt with the arms cut off - which is also indicative of Perfect Weather. IMO the best arch-support flips around are Olu-Kai.

  9. SUPER!!! We get "casual" friday, which means you can take off the tie... sigh... Good luck!

  10. One of these days, when I'm back at work (ha!?) it won't matter to me - but I've never worked anywhere one HAD to wear a tie, I did it for fun.

  11. They do good to get me to wear shoes in my office.


  12. Sounds like Dallas has too many Californians ... and pretentious people who want to be just like them.

  13. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Wal I was looking for a pair of new boots and checked on the Justin's, I found some made here, some in Mexico and some in China per their label. I apologize to them as it seems their best boot are still made here.


  14. DirtCrashr - will take the flipflop tip under advisement

    Old NFO - thanks!

    DIrtCrashr - I dress up because I like to. :)

    Rabbit - rustic!

    kbarret - something like that

    ben - i know they still have a boot factory IN Justin-- drove through there not too long ago...
