
Friday, February 27, 2009

You know I'm open-minded about shoes, but...

...this pair is beyond the pale. The MBT "Lami" Mary Jane Walking Shoe is beneath beastly.

From the ad:

Single hook-and-loop strap secures a sporty mary jane walking shoe outfitted with a patented Masai Sensor sole that has a soft surface similar to walking on a sandy beach. The natural instability this creates activates the supporting muscle system and conditions the body simply by walking. With continued wear, benefits can include improved circulation and posture; reduced stress and pressure on the back, feet and joints; and an overall toned appearance.

Last time I checked, instability was not desirable in shoes -- sprains and breaks and whatnot. Ew. I mean, this is a perfect shoe if you're a Power Puff Girl Otherwise, not so much.


  1. There seems to be a recent trend to these unstable shoes.

    I recently flipped through a catalog at the local pizza joint, waiting to pick up, and there was an ad in there for shoes made by Curves (the women's workout place) that offered the same features.

    Basically, the idea is that these "unstable" shoes will cause you to work your muscles, helping you tone your legs as you're walking.


    I'm sure simply working out (or walking MORE, in good shoes) would get you the same result. Without looking ridiculous in these.

  2. Y''re right. Not even the Phlegmmistress, with her ultimate shoe-fu, can make these shoes pretty.

  3. I've seen those weird shoe-like rocking-chair foot-things and wondered why anyone in their right mid would...and then remember that I'm just an old fart and out of touch, can't even text a message, etc...

  4. How unbeLIEVably hideous. :( What were they thinking?!

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    You could buy a pair, put them on, attempt to walk in them, fall down, go BOOM! and then sue them to oblivion. Then, no more fugly shoes. And you'd be rich.

  6. Now that is a strange looking one... BUT I'll be people will buy them just to be different!

  7. Those are truly hideous! I am all for the sensible shoe, but they don't need to be ugly.

  8. I'd never earn any fashionable shoes award with my paltry collection of beat up boots, but THOSE are just ugly.

  9. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I actually got a pair of MBT shoes awhile back to help alleviate my back problems, and they are oh-so-hideous. I rarely wear them because of how freaking ridiculous they look. I call them my "extra-special astronaught boots"

    Also, been wanting to stop over and introduce myself! I'm down in Austin and just got an AR-15. Would love to meetcha and join you for shooty fun at the next blogger shoot!

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Who here remembers "Annie Kelso's Negative Heel Earth Shoes"?


  11. Thank god. For a second, I thought you were going to say you liked, nay, loved these shoes.

    And they are hideous almost beyond compare.


  12. Maybe foot binding was supposed to come back in China and these shoes were made in anticipation. They must have not sold well, and the overstock was sent here.

    I like my Ariat boots--great ankle and arch support.
