
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A news article somewhere just asked...

should we spend 819 billion to create 3 million jobs, or just give everybody their $273,000 share of the 819 billion ?


  1. Sign me up for my $273,000 so I can kiss my loans good-bye, buy a house, a car that works, and furniture that isn't falling apart. That will stimulate the bloody economy!

  2. Indeed - that's a package I could find truly stimulating.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I hate to point this out, but 819 billion divided by 300 million, current US population, is $2730. However it does seem as if the top 1% is going to get more then their fair share out of all this so, maybe your number is more accurate then mine.

  4. Steelghost - Rats. I admit I didn't spend any time thinking about the respective number of zeros in either of those figures, and it sounded so good. So, in other words, if it's only going to cost me personally $2730 for this, though it's repugnant to me, it's not nearly as bad as I expected it to be. However, I don't think that'll be the case. I think this is going to cost us way more than $819 bil, and for many years to come, alas.

  5. I saw a clip where Jon Stewart said the same thing -- why not just give the money to the people so they can pay their bills and get out of debt? The commenter where it was posted said "I'm sure that someone much smarter than me will explain why this won't work but until then, it sounds like a pretty good idea to me."

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    It's $75,000 apiece to every unemployed adult in the country. But it gets better. Go here to sign John McCain's petition to stop this insane economic stimulus package that does nothing to create jobs:

  7. What needs to happen is for the whole mess to be stopped and restarted... According to various reports, it's 75-90% PORK... And what's not, doesn't kick in until 2010!

  8. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Weeeel, my back of the envelope calculation says 820 Bn, plus interest, makes One thousand two hundred thousand millions of dollars. Or 1.2 trillion microbucks, if you prefer. Or 1.24 trillion quick stop Snickers - which would be 24.8 Trillion Wanna-Sak Snickers if the buck had the same purchasing power it had when I was a papoose.

    Now, the greatest number of JOBS this monstrosity can create is, mmm, 900,000. 820,000 Gummitup jobs, 80,000 civilian jobs.

    And each and every American man, woman, and child will be on the hook for $4,000 minibux. And that's on top of $19,000 mini's for Paulson's boondoggle, AKA TARP.

    And the tab for this monstrous porkcicle will made tolerable by inflating the value of groceries and kotchin' babies and ammunition, and deflating the value of the dollar from minibuck status to microbuck.

    So EVERYBODY gets the shaft. EXCEPT those who supported the "party of the left," and are therefore eligible for their payoff up front. Whose initials are GS.

    As Woodie used to sing, "Some people will rob you with a gun, some will rob you with a fountain pen." I suppose we all know which description applies here.

    Pete Allen
