
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

earring tree

Okay, this is not the best picture in the world, but here are 11 of the earring pairs I made from beads made this weekend. Sorry the picture is a little blurry, but they were sort of swinging when I snapped this.
The pair on the lower left in teal glass is the pair of beads I posted yesterday. Yays! Will try to get some better quality photos up soon.
Was looking through bins for various earring findings, and I found more than half of my airline barfbag collection. Many years ago, I started noticing that any craft I made or any collection I started, Martha Stewart would magically come up with about 2 to 4 years after I'd done mine. That heifer would not stop ripping me off. Finally, I hit on the one collectible I knew she'd never touch with a latex-clad 10' pole: Airline barf bags. I have Polish Air, Sabena, Aeroflot(?!), various other little deadlies, and a dozen or so collectible designer barfbags from Virgin Air. Yeah, I'll post a pic, soon. I know you want to see some. They're special. So special.


  1. That Martha, what a bitch.

  2. So...where's the link I can click on to purchase a set of these beauties? They are absolutely stunning!

  3. alan - I wuz robbed!

    Christina - That's a good idea! I need to do that, don't I?

    Old NFO - Thanks!
