
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Lookie what Santa brung me:

Monteverde Invincia Fountain pen. VERY pretty.

I've always liked dip pens and quills, but Santa obviously thought I needed a proper fountain pen. Good call!

Got a converter and drew some of my best green Italian ink into the converter cartridge and had a little doodle-fest. This pen writes beautifully. Sometimes I feel the need to write Tra la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. Can't hep it.

This pen?

Note to self: sloshing ink all over your fingers will pull focus from the crap manicure you gave yourself. Double-whammy!


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Neet pen!!! Fountain pens are sexy!

  2. A good fountain pen is both a joy to use and to behold. Too bad one doesn't see them all that much any longer...

  3. Santa obviously has excellent taste and knows you very well!

    I love the green ink.

  4. DirtCrashr - Yeah, and it writes beautifully

    OrangeNeck - I think they are sexy, too.

    Buck - It's nice to know a lovely one still may be found

    Christina - Santa did quite well. The green ink is fun to write with. I mean to order other interesting inks, as well.

    Bridget - hmmm... uh, I couldn't rightly say!

  5. They don't make pens like that anymore. Oh wait, they do! You have one! Tis lovely.

  6. Barbara - it's covered in awesomesauce!
