
Friday, November 21, 2008

Remember that big to-do last year - Earth-Aid or whatever it was - a string of synchronized concerts around the planet to raise money for Al Gore's. - oh, whatever the hell that was--???

I just remember there was one bit where Madonna harangued the audience by modestly saying "this is the last chance we have to save the planet."

Well, guess what?

Madonna's strict macrobionic diet includes blueberries flown to her from Canada. Uh, how is that environmentally sensitive, air-lifting your gorram blueberries?


  1. You're using firefly slang... tehee... You're hooked.

  2. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Not only that, but Whole Foods isn't exactly all that green either. They've got stuff flown in all over from South & Central America and whatnot.

  3. Oh that's ONLY for the little people, those like her don't have to conserve, they pay others to do it for them...

  4. Oh but she's famous and rich, so she is exempt.

  5. Kinda like Paul McCartney having his hybrid limo flown in from Japan...

  6. Yup, 'cause the rules only apply to the little people.

    "Some animals are more equal than others."

  7. But how else can Madonna live forever?

  8. aepilot_jim- I can't hide it from you, can I?
    orangeneck - ah, the long eyeball of scrutiny -no one here gets out alive.

    Old NFO - where do I get in line to sell her my green credits?

    barbara - that is obviously the case
    jay g - yup. there you go: lame

    Christina - four legs good, two legs better!

    Zelda - hunh. funny - i never thought of it until this instant, but when she dies, prlly a whole bunch of people will be saying "fucking finally!"
