
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Hmm... Odd.

Over the pond, Tories have voted Margaret Thatcher a bigger hero than Winston Churchill.

I dunno.

MT's alignment with Ronald Reagan was I think a vital element in the west's winning the cold war and opening up Eastern Europe and Russia, but, WC was a hero for all times.

What's odd to me is to a man, every British person I've ever met has at one point or another said something nasty about Margaret Thatcher, basically blaming her for all modern England's ills.

I think that's odd, that she seems so reviled by her countrymen. I will say that Labour party kool-aid must be delicious.


  1. I think we might underestimate Reagan's and Thatcher's contributions to the world. I'd argue that the Soviet Union posed a dramatically worse threat than the Nazis ever did. That the Cold War ended without a confrontation with the USSR is a huge achievement. Although, I don't think we properly learned the lessons....

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    People have short memomories and little knowledge or sense of history. As for Russia and the Cold's baaack. It was never thoroughly quashed.

  3. What's odd to me is to a man, every British person I've ever met has at one point or another said something nasty about Margaret Thatcher, basically blaming her for all modern England's ills.

    That's my experience, as well. You should have been in England during the early '80s, if you think Maggie-Bashing is bad now (or maybe you were, I dunno). It's very, very hard to adequately describe the absolute HATRED the Labourites had for her. BDS is sorta like a cold compared to the Maggie Flu that afflicted a lot of Brits... then and now.

  4. For Brits Lady Thatcher has associations that leave one with mixed feelings...her effect on Britain whilst needed brought much strife and many feel ambiguous towards her....we know she was a modern giant but we still live with the after effects of her rule.
