
Friday, August 29, 2008

I've just got to throw this out there - besides being made of utter asskickery, the future VPOTUS is rocking some rad, sexy hair, and I can't wait until she is sworn in. WOOHOO!


  1. She's a good pick, and her husband might attract women voters - the whole "she's a hottie" thing works both ways. I'm really voting for Cindy McCain, not John. ;-)

  2. I'm a definite fan!

    She is definitely made of utter asskickery :)

  3. besides being made of utter asskickery, the future VPOTUS...

    SO true! And she's a former hockey player, fan, and Mom to a hockey player! What's NOT to like? The frickin' Obamanation is just tearin' their hair out today. And that's a Great Good Thing.

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Two questions for Gov. Palin:
    1) Does she carry?
    2) If so, what does she carry?

  5. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I left all my comments over at Tam's.

  6. A beautiful woman and a truly beautiful moment....I'm so happy!

  7. When I first saw this early on the news, and ran and got hubby. He kept the news on all day.

    Totally knocked Obama's speech the night before off of every channel. There's some really smart strategy working there!
