
Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm on vacation in the Hill Country this week. I'll try to moderate comments when I can, but I may only be able to check in every day or two. Meanwhile, I've pre-loaded a post for every day.

So far, though, I'm noticing more Obama stickers on Prius than on any other vehicle. I think it's interesting how eager they are to remove all doubt and press home the point that they are members of the witless protection program. Sometimes it's better just to keep one's mouth shut.

I'm having a great time with friends, but feeling a little fragile in the heat, actually. I've vowed to just take it easy and see how I'm feeling from day to day. One friend brought along her little dog, so Praline has a buddy to play with this week. I've got posts-pre-loaded for every day, but I'll try to pop by and see how ur durrin.

Here's another video - The Heinrich Maneuver - from the new Interpol cd.

Have a great week!


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Have a blast with the girls and hope to hear about it next week.

  2. a house I viewed on the weekend had a labyrinth outside and a pious in the was hard to keep silent.

  3. Hill Country? You coming with Jeff to my house?

  4. I see a high percentage on Honda CRV's and Saturn VUEs as well.

    Always with the little big trucks/greenie weenies.


  5. I think it's interesting how eager they are to remove all doubt and press home the point that they are members of the witless protection program.

    I am SO gonna steal that line, Phlegmmy. It's simply The Best characterization of Obamamaniacs I've seen yet.

  6. Hope you and Praline have a great vacation, Phlegmmy!

  7. Yeah, it's really irresponsible and stupid to drive a car that gets 40-50 mpg everywhere.
