
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Parking Lot puddles are the deliciousest. 1993
Somewhere in Lake Fork, there's an old fish that tells his grandbasslings about the time the fearsome fur-bearing airbreather gave him a sound licking. SRSLY. She licked and licked and licked and licked, and he didn't seem pleased. We finally put him back in the lake, deeming he'd suffered enough. She, however, was ready for more.

Me and my Gal about 1995.
She doesn't seem particularly pleased with the sack-of-potatoes pose, but she was pretty good-natured about putting up with my crap. So long as I didn't make her wear stupid outfits. In that Rocky Horror fantasie in pink metallic that I posted with my Tuesday tribute, I always fancied I sensed eye-daggers coming my way. Oh, the indignity! She was way too rough-and-tumble to fool about with poncey ribbons-and-bows type crap, ever ready as she was to jump into the fray.


  1. If you post any more pictures, I'll have to start my own Phlegmmy photo album. You (and doglet of course) are just too cute in that picture!

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Thanks for the photos and memories, kiddo.

  3. Aren't you both adorable?

    Doglet seemed to me to be the kind of dog that could lick a fish in the afternoon and strut about town in glitter in the evening.

  4. g bro - I thought SHE was the star. Glad ya liked it!

    myron - thanks for stopping by. It's been sweet to remember her exuberance

    barbara - Aw, shucks. If I was adorable, it were only by association. You pegged her - she was a regular rough-and-tumble twinkletoes.

  5. You have some great photos here of you two together - what a delightful pair of characters!

  6. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Looking forward to more memories.

  7. You are both adorable. I like your Blossom hat. :-)

  8. You are both teh Glamstarz!

    Too cute!

  9. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Bass licking, All I can say is that was one awesome bitch. I can honestly say from the moment I met her she was a lover and always will be the benchmark to which all other doglets shall be measured.... carry on in the doggy heaven of awesomeness beloved doglet... you shall be missed....

  10. Cute pictures of your Valentine. I have to admit that when my dogs are pissed at me (and they let me know it), they look so cute that I can't help but laugh at them.
