
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

After 15 years of true love and two children, a man spent about $2000 and 20 hours under the tattoo pins having his common-law wife's image emblazoned on his back. Unfortunately, she'd just embarked upon an affair with an east-european co-worker, and left his ass in an inky spray of dust.

You just have to wonder...

By the way, I googled "prison tattoos" and this little Paris Hilton number came up first. Rather delicious, oui?


  1. My Brother in law works in a tattoo shop and I never cease to be amazed and disgusted by what people put on their skin.

    Paris hilton: They should tattoo "worthess hag" across her forehead..

  2. The picture's good but she has too many regular teeth.

  3. I'm in the wrong line of work if a tattoo artist is making $100/hr.

  4. Anytime you have someone's name/picture tattooed on your anatomy, it's the kiss of death for your relationship!

  5. Christina said: Anytime you have someone's name/picture tattooed on your anatomy, it's the kiss of death for your relationship!

    That's probably true. I don't have any tats, but The Second Mrs. Pennington (now my ex-) and I flirted with the idea of getting our names tattooed on each other's butts. We never went there, but I'm kinda wishing we had. It would give me NO end of psychic gratification to know her current hubby (the "boyfriend" in the end-game of our marriage) would see MY name on HER ass every time she stepped out of the shower...

    Sigh. Yet another missed opportunity...

    Now what was it I was gonna say before I read Christine's comment? ;-)

  6. Damn.

    would see MY name on HER ass every time she stepped out of the shower...

    Buck, I really thought you were going in a totally different direction here...

    I just have a dirty mind, I guess...;)

  7. I just have a dirty mind, I guess...;)

    That makes two of us, Christina. I wanted to keep it (relatively) clean out of respect for Phlegmmy, though. ;-)

  8. Well as the owner of a discrete tattoo... all I can say is NEVER get anyone's name tattooed on your body except your own and your children's name[s].
    The rationale for this sound advice, given to me by a tattoo artist many years ago, is that these are the only names that do not change. Unless you enter the Witness Protection Program. But under those circumstances, I imagine they would spring for laser removal.
