
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Will fatherhood spoil the neanderthal charms of bongo entoosiast Texan Matthew McConaughey?

Apparently not.

On a recent surfing trip to Nicaragua, MM arrived at a bar drunk and drank a whole lot more as he put the moves on all the women in the place. At one point, he apparently blew out a flip flop and then jumped on the bar and said in broken Spanish "I lost my flip flop."

Naturally, this was of tremendous concern to everyone.
MM was later seen sifting through a sewage ditch for his missing special left flip flop.

I hope he finds it. Really, I do.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Some men never change their ways. I saw him on Oprah, while skipping through the channels, and he said he never wears deodorant. Yuk! No wonder he got along with that goat so well. LOL

  2. Oh, the visual has me in stitches. Bwaaaaa!

  3. lainy - ew, NEVER wears deodorant? Um, and no wonder he was cool with digging through sewage for that flip flop

    attila the mom - It ain't purty, is it? *G*

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Send him to British Columbia where they are losing right feet. He can sniff the beaches and sewage ditches there. Maybe get a clue ... a clue to life.

  5. But there's booze in the blender, and soon it will render that frozen concoction that helps me hang on...

    Very Jimmy Buffet, that situation was.

  6. Hehe. Of course, this is probably why he's doing schlock like Fool's Gold instead of his choices 10 years ago with A Time to Kill, Contact and Amistad.
