
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Doglet has a sheepskin in her basket. It'll do in a pinch, when a basket of dirty laundry is not available.


  1. Because we all know that something that smells of her Beloved LaP or somethin' supremely stinkacius is stupendously superior for sweet slumbers. Leastaways, that's what my Canine Consultants confide to moi.
    Of course, my Boys would need a basket a bit bigger, say the size of the back seat of a '55 Chevy. Boo, my wee bitch, can squeeze her petite self into the front seat of a 2004 Sebring Convertible.

  2. Hollb - Ha ha! I love it, Canine Consultants. I consult mine daily.

    What a snug-a-licious photo of your Doglet the Davine.

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    La Doglet can haz sheepskin?

  4. She sure is a sweet puppy.
