
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tactical Magic?

I decided since I wear heels a lot, that I need some I'm comfortable shooting in on the range, thus I ordered these two wedge-heeled shoes from Nordstrom for strategic range purposes. I figure if I'm ever in the way of needing to shoot, I'll be in my cowgirl boots or in heels, so I may as well get accustomed to calculating angles and whatnot. And I'm definitely going to be putting in a lot of time on the range. The wedge is about 2 1/2", so it's not like they're outrageously tall or anything. Plus, I think in their way, they still manage to look somewhat cute whilst still being a little more rough-and-rugged than my usual footwear. I think the top pair will be best, since they have that velcro strap for adjusting the fit in the back. Unfortunately, this brand of shoe only comes in whole sizes, but at least they are fairly cheap.
Speaking of cowgirl boots, I have a tip for the ladies (you male persons may not want to read the rest of this): I have recently discovered the annual lady-doctor visit is much more pleasant if you wear and keep on your cowgirl boots. Dunno why. I think they ward off evil, or something. Or maybe it's the stirrups, or some such. Whatever works.


  1. Still laughin over the boots 'n stirrups...

  2. I arrive back in Ca in a few weeks...the thought of nordstrom,my wife,shoes and handbags fills me with fear...I can just hear it now.."but the pound is so strong against the dollar" she is an economist now?...I'm doomed.

  3. You are working sooooo hard to combine the shoes and guns things. Looks like it's coming along nicely.

    'Wear boots to the gyno.' Well, you warned me.

  4. fire fox - Honestly, it's like spic'n'span, pb&j, mutt & jeff, pork'n'beans: a timeless classic. Glad you enjoyed it, though.

    thud - Yes, the strong pound-- just think how much money she's saving you! Nordstrom shoe dept-- especially online with the FULL selection-- is teh nirvana.

    g bro - *deep, cleavage-baring curtsy*
    Silly boy-- I said for you fellers to stop reading there!

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Fantastic shoes! Especially love the red ones. Ruth

  6. I like the first pair a wee bit better than the second, since the second pair looks a little clunkier than the first. I think all the straps appeal to me!

    Cowgirl boots and gyno? Who knew?! Thanks for the tip, Phlegmmy, now I have to dig my boots out of the closet!

  7. thanks, Ruth!

    christina - we'll see how they feel. Yup, I'll never go to the Gyno without them on again- felt MUCH more comfortable, for some reason. Yes, you MUST get your boots out, babe!

  8. About that doc and boot tip: You just be careful, girl - you might run into one with a serious boot fetish. CCW if you keep that up. Just warnin' ya.

  9. Oh my god. I actually spewed actual milk out of my nose. I may have to get me a pair of boots just for that purpose.

  10. What a unique approach to women's health...

  11. I like the first pair of Tactical wedges better, because of the turquoise lining. But that's just me.

    Boot in gyn stirrups...what could be MORE appropriate? Sign me UP! I gotta get me some Old Gringo or Luchesse boots TODAY!

  12. Like the Tacti-kewl look! Out of concern I would worry some about hot, ejected brass falling on bare places uncovered by straps, but the same "collection" problem exists for cowboy boots if short skirts are worn.
