
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I was awakened by a huge flash of light followed almost instantly by a massive crash of thunder in the night. I looked at the clock (across the room, because if it's not, I'll hit the snooze button for hours) and it said 3:00. Wow.

I put my head back on the pillow and settled back in for the best night of sleep I've gotten in yonks. Stormy weather is the best weather for sleeping. I love it.

Other than the annoyance of Dallas drivers who can't drive in weather, the only downside I can think of wet, soggy days is that I can't wear my favorite shoes. Oh, but now I have cowgirl boots. Never mind.


  1. "Stormy weather is the best weather for sleeping."

    You got THAT right! I open my bedroom window and let it in, and in the morning I wake up feeling wonderful. Maybe it's the charged oxygen... ozone? Is that it?

  2. I don't know - your idea makes sense to me. Whatever it is, I sleep like a lamb when storms rage. Maybe it's the white noise factor of raindrops?

  3. I never wake up to storms...I always manage to sleep right through. Then I hear about it the next morning!

  4. Anonymous9:48 AM

    We got some of that storm here in AR. and I love it. I slept like a baby :)

  5. Anonymous10:05 AM

    tag, you're it,if you wish to be.

  6. Yep, I love it too. Only thing better would be to have one of those tin roofs with the pitter patter sending me into deep REM. Love it.

  7. I always get creeped out when I awaken at the dot of 3:00am. I guess the Amityville Horror had more staying power in my pysche than I realised.

  8. I was awakened at 0600 by storms, too. But the pitter-patter of rain on the roof in an RV is a Hellish racket, unless it's just drizzling. Which it wasn't. And then the hail came... which is an entirely whole-nuther dimension when it comes to noise.

    Fortunately the storm passed quickly and I was back off to la-la land...

  9. I love stormy weather as well. However, I feel about stormy weather the same way I feel about snow - I like looking at it from INSIDE, not being actually outside in it.

    If it's any consolation, it has been raining here for the past week and doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon.

  10. The weather here is the meteorological equivalent of a gentleman with an enlarged prostate. We're getting little trickles, but nothing of substance.

  11. Not me...if it's raining hard and the wind is blowing, or if there's thunder anywhere around I can't help but lay there and listen. I was jerked out of the bed too much as a child in Alabama, and middle Tennessee, and driven around to avoid tornadoes to sleep today. I worry about everything.

    One thing for sure, if I lived in Texas I sure would not sleep if there was a storm going on! I'd also have a storm cellar somewhere in or near the house.

  12. Storms in Texas -- I've never been through anything like it. The weather is so tame here in Seattle and even Hawaii compared to the Metroplex. It always reminds me of having to go down in the dorm basement while trying to study for spring finals.
