
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Call me crass, but...

I do deeply question Monica Lewisnky's choice of a pearl necklace. I think she should just wear turtlenecks from now on, don't you? How horrid for one's foolish mistakes of early adulthood to cement their place in the world permanently as an embarrassing footnote for an historical figure. I mean, really, darling. Someone buy this girl a Best of ZZ Top cd already. Or maybe she's being ironic?

[this next bit added 14 April 2008]

Okay, I'll call myself crass. I'm going to leave this post up, but I sort of feel bad for piling on Monica Lewinsky. While she was legally of age when the events that made her famous occurred, she was very young. I know it's unlikely, but I hope she finds a way to turn it all around.


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    BuahHAHAHAHAHA *wheeze* HAHAHA
    That was so dead on, and I needed that laugh!

  2. Hee!
    Glad you enjoyed it. It was good for me, too.

  3. Well, at least she doesn't have a cigar-shaped pendant hanging from it...maybe this IS her subtle?

  4. Anonymous3:48 AM

    ROFLOL. Nothing like a good belly laugh so early in the morn.

  5. Hahahha -- that made me laugh out loud in my cube here:) At first glance, I thought it was an old picture of Katie Holmes.

  6. Anonymous11:09 AM

    One track on that set that is quite apropos. Velcro Fly seems to be a good tune for her.

  7. The Vast-Right-Wing-Conspirators who "set Bill up" bought it for her for a job well-done.

    Apparently the cabal doesn't listen to ZZ TOP or appreciate irony.

  8. Oh yes, I cannot tell you how glad I am that my young adult indiscretions were not in the public eye. And I like to think I learned from them.

  9. And then some, Miss Bruederlin!

    I always felt a bit sorry for her. I mean, she got a good financial deal and I envy her there, but sheesh. As soon as you identify yourself, you're defined. You can't even wear a perfectly nice necklace without people commenting.

    As she once said, "Who is going to want to take me home to meet mother and father?"

  10. christina - it's a shame for her, her life's importance cheapened by a poor choice.

    lainy - Yeah, it was funny, but now I'm feeling kind of mean for posting it

    becky - I think ML is actually really pretty, very pretty smile. I don't think we'll be seeing alot of her smiles in future, though. I hope she beats the odds and turns it all around, for her own sake.

    myron - I'll bet that was BC's favorite

    troll - yeah, irony is wasted on some folk

    barbara - I have often thought the same - thank goodness for the blessing of making mistakes out of the glare of too much attention

    staghounds - again, me too. Totally true, about being defined. If something is remotely questionable, a) don't blab and b) NEVER document... Take the dress to the cleaners. Bless her heart. I know she was legally of age, but she was less than half the age of the president- who was responsible in that situation. I hope she overcomes it all.

  11. LOL I'm glad you saw it first.

    Monica...we know she is a messy eater.

  12. hammer - well, it wasn't so much HOW she eats as WHO wot put me off my feed.

  13. The trollop who started it all. I think she should be forced to wear a pearl necklace for the rest of her life. Like the scarlet letter.
