
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Finally, they gave an Oscar to someone who performed brilliantly in a film. I don't just approve of this one because she looks like the twin of my baby sister, but that doesn't hurt, either.


  1. I'm sure A is on Cloud 9 at being compared to a yound Michelle Pheiffer!

  2. Not being a movie-goer---who is she?

  3. holly b - I'm sure it doesn't break her heart!

    alphonse - She is the lovely French actress Marion Cotillard who won the best actress Oscar yesterday for her role as Edith Piaf in La Vie En Rose. That film takes a lot of license with timelines and the facts, but her performance was gripping and heart-breaking. She's fantastic.

  4. Want to see that one bad. Just have to wait for the good stuff to het to this podunk town.

  5. I haven't been able to catch this one yet, but it's next in my Netflix queue. I did see Away from Her over the weekend and Julie Christie did a good job, but I can see how it might not have been good enough (too quiet of a role).
