
Saturday, February 23, 2008

And speaking of Drive-In theaters, remember those coil incense-type thingies you could light and stand on the dashboard to repel mosquitoes? (Does anyone call it a dashboard anymore?) Those things were prolly outlawed by the FDA. It might be fun, though, just for giggles, to burn some coil incense at a drive-in just for the sake of nostalgia. I personally love some incense, but I'm very olfactorily-oriented, and things I find stinky can send me right 'round the bend. I thought those insect repellent coils were a right stinky lot. Funny thing is, though, now I'd sort of like to smell one again.
One odd thing I always LOVED the smell of was leaded gasoline. (Can we blame any of my warping on that, perhaps? Actually, I'll give leaded gasoline credit for my rapist wit.) Remember that? It had a smell that was tremendously appealing. Today's gas smells not-so-nice to me. When I was a kid on road trips and we'd stop to re-fuel and re-stock moon pies and RC, I'd sorta linger a bit near the gas pump before getting back in the car. *bliss*
Okay. Maybe not that near the pump - I didn't get high or anything - just liked it.
Oh, and schnoobie's comment reminded me, and yes, I've mentioned it before, but I was utterly besotted with the smell of freshly printed mimeograph "ditto" sheets - Nice! They felt wet and cool to the touch, and that lovely pale indigo ink was wonderful. I would always volunteer to help pass out anything mimeo'd. Sweet!


  1. Oh, what a memory fueler!

    Yes...I too loved to pump gas back in the day...I always wondered if I could inhale it and then lite it when I exhaled! Strange.

  2. yeah!! I'm with ya on the gas smell...and I don't know if you talked about this before but the smell of the FRESH DITTO sheets we used to get in grade school..heavenly!! might be too young I remember them in the early 70's.. ALSO ( and this prolly splains a LOT) the neighborhood kids used to ride their bikes behind the city mosquito truck fogger again the 70's . I thought that was a stupid thing to do and that it stunk!!

  3. Put my name down on the leaded gas lovers club. That stuff smelled fantastic. My dad used to put it on our poison ivy rashes to dry them up, which probably explains a lot about me.

  4. To me, the smell of gasoline is the smell of freedom.... it makes the wheels go round and the road go by....

    Yes, heaven

  5. I loved the smell of leaded gas.
    We can still buy the mosquito coils up here and they still smell the same.

  6. Ah, I loves me some incense, as well! Here's my current fave...

    As for the old gasoline blends? We're on exactly the same page! Perfume, it was...

  7. Funny, it sounds like we should form a club...Gasoline Sniffers International. What d'you think?

    Everything in moderation...nowadays kids don't get that, and end up in the ER or dead from "huffing", as they call it.
    I LOVED the smell of ditto sheets. I tried to explain it to my kids and failed. I love jumbo sharpies, nail polish remover, and tea tree oil.
    Brain damage, anyone?

  8. Didn't they even advertise those coils at intermission? Was it called Flit or something like that? At least it wasn't embarrassing for a young person on a date like the food promos where the dancing weiner took a flying leap into that provocative bun.

  9. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Yes, gasoline did have that wonderful smell.I miss that.

    Since my sister doesn't go to any blogs she'll never know this- she loves the smell of cow shit. Strange creature she is.

    Yes, I still call mine a dashboard, and I do remember the coil intense. The good ol" days.

  10. I worked my way through university in england whilst working at a petrol station...I loved the smell...still do.

  11. Off! still makes the mosquito coils, we have them on our front porch where the tiny viscious nasties sometimes congregate - the coils smell nice.
