
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Call me old-fashioned, but this is my kind of stove. Finally, someone is doing something pleasing with stoves as has not been done in the past 50 or so years. It's also available in turquoise and 8 or 9 other colors. Yum! If I had the vast sums required to populate a kitchen with these little glories, I'd probably go wonky and mis-match them all. That would be nice, right?

This range is from Elmira Stove Works, and they are doing for refrigerators, dishwashers and microwaves what they did for the range; i.e, make them look good again. It's bloody well time someone did that, if you ax me. The good news is that for the price of about 5 pair of Christian Louboutins, you can own one of the refrigerators. The bad news is the Christian Louboutins will set you back $600 or so, per pair. But what object is money when one considers the happiness of their kitchen??? *sigh*


  1. Love that retro look, but cannot envisage a situation where you would forgo five pairs of top quality shoes for a stove.

    Over here, for the money no object buyers it would have to be Smeg -Italian design and all that.

  2. I totally agree about making things look good again. My house was built in the 30s and one of the big selling points was that the original hardware is still here. Lovely cabinet pulls that look like little streamlined, Deco rockets, patinaed doorknobs - the whole bit.

    I'd love one of those stoves. When do we win the lottery?

  3. The colors remind me of Jordan almonds.

    I'm more into the high-techy, stainless steel look.

  4. That is a good looking stove, no question. I'd probably just have to settle for a good looking toaster though.

  5. That's a real stove allright. My parents had a great old rock-solid 50's O'Keefe and Merritt gas stove, with the clock and the salt-and-pepper shakers and the pancake grill in the middle, and char-broil grill-elevator thing on the left and oven on the right. It was beautiful, a real piece of architecture, just like this.
    And they replaced it with a cheesy, soulless, tinny, pezio-electric instant-on POS thing from Wards. I'll never understand it, they could have had it refurbished. I guess they thought it was too small and becoming a danger. What a shame, it was the heart of the Kitchen.

  6. That's pretty neat and very 50's. You should be able to easily find mint green and pink kitchen accessories and things to go along with it!

    Ironically, we looked at a house for rent today that had a room painted this very color. It didn't look nearly as nice as the stove, though.

  7. I had to buy a new stove to replace one that was 15 years old. All that was available was platinum and black and just blah looking things.

    My folks still have their avacado green washer and dryer from the 70's. It still works. My modern washer and dryier lasted all of six years.

  8. Ya Know....... I've been in love with their line of appliances even before I bought the (my) farm. A set of those would look right purty in my late 40's era kitchen. Lottery dreams indeed!!( among other high priced contraptions). I just had to let go of my grandparents Harvest Gold 1968 Sears Coldspot this past was a bummer cause it held so many fond memories and it had turquoise vegetable/meat/cheese bins........*sniff*

  9. "The Thing ahead sixty miles, do not miss.
    Not for the squeamish or depressed,
    Not for the unbelievers truly obsessed,
    Something you just don't wanna miss.
    It's the kind of place where space explorers could have landed around 1963;
    When Kennedy was in Life Magazine,
    And everything was aquamarine...

  10. The manufacturer is about 50 miles from where I live. It's too bad there aren't some sort of warp portals, or whatever they are called, like in science fiction; I could simply push some of these goodies through to you and you would be happy.

    Yes, they are cool. I had no idea Elmira was building this stuff. Last time I looked they were building wood stoves for the drop-out crowd who want to live in the woods and 'get back' to nature.

  11. Elmira Stoves have been on my wish list for a decade. They make gorgeous retros! sigh. Maybe we need to make a pilgrimage up to the Atavist's place and throw a couple of stoves in the back while we're at it.

  12. We have a reconditioned thirties-era O'Keefe and Merritt sitting in our garage awaiting our pending kitchen remodel. I have started re-plating the chrome which unfortunately suffered surface rusting while in storage before we obtained it.

    I love that look...

  13. Hey, here's an idea: The "World's Largest One-Day Maple Syrup Festival" is in Elmira, Ontario, this year on April 5. Come on down. I'll buy everyone pancakes and maple syrup, and you can investigate the appliances in person and place your orders. Here's the link to the festival:
