
Friday, January 11, 2008

...while the Sex Pistols were taking the world by storm (or not), I was hastened along the path to disillusioned second wave punkette by the oogy light hits of the 70s. Ya know: stuff like Afternoon Delight. Some icky stuff by Doctor Hook and the Medicine Balls or somesuch. And then there was this unearthly delight that made my flesh creep in a not-good way:

Yes my friends, this is why the Sex Pistols had to happen-- a fact I believe the comely young lass in this video understands. Sit back and enjoy the crashing waves of gooseflesh. Nasty.


  1. This one should have carried an oversized health warning - will certainly damage your mental well being.

    Always preferred The Clash to the Pistols.

  2. You are so deranged! Cute puppy, though.

  3. my ears oh my ears

  4. That one made me laugh my ass off!

  5. That hideous music had to die a grinding death in a flaming wreck, it was the abyss.

  6. Omigawd. I heard the first three bars and hit "pause." Coz I just couldn't. Afternoon Delight, OTOH, conjures up wonderful memories...mainly coz I was young and in serious lust at the time the song came out. Sort of an "inside joke," that was.

    But about that vid: You're just cruel to your readers sometimes, Phlegmmy. ;-)

  7. That was...

    well it just was.

    To make up for this you need to offer up some Dead Kennedys.


  8. That was quite the chainsaw. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

  9. Or maybe I meant "and that's alright with me."

  10. How in the hell did you ever find that?

    Sure no Sid Vicious - not that he was hot or anything!

  11. Okay. I could only watch 25 seconds of that abomination.
    As soon as the proto-Carrottop started his bump-and-grind, I was so out of there.

    Ugh. Totally disgusting.

  12. Makes me want to don some safety pins and spit on people. Yeah.
