
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

When you consider cases like this, I don't see how there can be any question of whether or not the death penalty is ever appropriate. Matter of fact, I don't think we could devise a death cruel or sinister enough for this pair. But I think we shouldn't let that deter us from taking a stab at it.



  1. This is what happens when immature children have children of their own.

    Use birth control, for God's sake, or get an abortion, or give the child up for adoption, but don't play house with an innocent life, then throw it away when it's no fun anymore.

    Motherfuckers, I'd like to have a few minutes alone with those two, and a Louisville Slugger...

  2. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Shit like that is the devils work. It makes me want to do exactly what they did to that angel and more. God rest her little soul, May those pieces of shit burn in hell.

    Sorry, it touches my soul when people act like animals to the helpless.

  3. I can't argue with that. It's really sad.

  4. christina - yup - what you said - they need schoolin'.

    lainy - I quite agree - it's heartbreaking. When you think of all the people who would have taken that little lamb into their home and given her a good life - her own grandma would have-- how can someone hurt a little kid like that? Monstrous.

    g bro - it makes my heart ache.

  5. But I think we shouldn't let that deter us from taking a stab at it.

    I'm willing to try to find some punishment appropriate for those two.

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    You know, if she was my little granddaughter, I would do everything in my power to get those 2 bonded out. And I don't think the fact that one of them was my offspring would ever enter my mind when I paid them a visit in the middle of the night.

    "Justice is incidental to law and order." - J. Edgar Hoover

  7. Sick. Just beyond sick. This is a perfect example of why we need the death penalty. Monsters like these two are toxic to humanity. Why should any resources be spent on these two a second longer??Why and how would anyone ever think their existance could be a benefit to society?? Let's make sure that neither of them reproduce , EVER.

  8. The best thing about this story? One word: Texas.

    Express-lane to the execution chamber.

    OTOH, at the risk of appearing like the terrorists have won, I like that ol' Afghan ritual of suspending the condemned in a steel cage about ten feet off the ground and walking away, leaving the poor bastard(s) to starve to death and suffer the slings and arrows of passers-by. Literally.

  9. I went and checked, because I wanted to make sure we actually COULD put these bastards to death. According to the Texas Penal Code SS 19.03 there are 9 definitions of Capitol Murder, the punishment for which you can receive the Silver Spike Award. The 8th definition reads:"the person murders an individual under 6 years of age..."

    There is something basically flawed in the hardwiring of these two people that they thought it was all right to treat a child entrusted by God and Society to their care in such a heinous manner. Does this absolve them of responsibility? Hell, NO! Should it make us question how we are raising THIS generation of children, the ones that are the next gen of parents? It dahm well should.

    Each and every one of us, unless blessed with Superhuman patience, has lost our temper with a child at one time or another. It is only by the Grace of a loving God that we have not crossed the line and done something dangerous, perhaps. Even if you take umpteen jillion hours of Child Development Theory, and were the Best Babysitter in the County, it's different when the entire responsibility of raising a child or children is on your shoulders.
    I'm not excusing this pair, I'm saying that they made some horrible decisions, and that this was preventable. But the interventions would have had to start about 10 years ago, when they were still developing.
    And nobody really wants to pay for that, do they?

  10. Yep, Christina hit it on the head. These fools shouldn't even be allowed to have a chia pet. No death I could think of would be too cruel, and I can think of some, believe me. Breaking them on a wheel would be nice, for starters.

  11. Breaking them on a wheel would be nice, for starters.

    FHB, I like the way you think...this didn't even occur to me.

  12. I have refrained from posting on this story simply because I can think of punishments that fit this crime and I don't want to scare anyone away...

    In a nutshell, they need their birth certificates revoked ASAP...

  13. Hm.

    It's horrible. No doubt. Jesus!, I whispered, when I read it.

    But. You can never get revenge. You can just try to get as much justice as possible.

    The Constitution prevents cruel and unusual punishments, and for good reason. Good people, and society, need to hold themselves to a higher standard. So, give them a fair trial.

    And when they have been fairly judged, and fairly convicted, give them an audience with clergy of their choice.

    And then, politely line them up against a wall and let three volunteers with rifles assist them in becoming something nicer.
