
Monday, November 12, 2007

Being the creative, bohemian sort, I tend to have about 40 projects going at any one time. I have various sets of yarn and knitting needles and crochet hooks littered about on nearly every horizontal surface. I can't seem to help it. This week, I bought a new plastic see-through bin for all my new skeins of yarn. I vow not to buy another skein of yarn until I have completed all works currently in-progress. I do solemnly swear. Really. Ignore the crossed fingers, toes and eyes on that one.

This weekend was extremely productive. Oddly enough, I had a commitment to show a big property this weekend on Saturday and Sunday, and I was really psyched up for it, but the listing agent had something else fall through, so they didn't need me after all. Turned out to be a good time to focus my energy on home stuff. Now I have a bunch of crap to drop off at Goodwill (therapy!!!) and much that remains is slightly more organized, as well as the fact that I have actually completely cleared several horizontal surfaces. To the dog's disappointment, I've done a lot of laundry, too (she loves the dirty clothes basket most of all).

I have fresh, clean bedding on the bed and now I'm going to take a bath with a couple products from Lush and Equal Rites, which is a darling of a book with a 9 year old heroine named Eskarina. Yes! I'm feeling well-rested, at last.

From Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett:

Esk, in fact, moved through the fair more like an arsonist moves through a hayfield or a neutron bounces through a reactor, poets notwithstanding, and the hypothetical watcher could have detected her random passage by tracing the outbreaks of hysteria and violence. But, like all good catalysts, she wasn't actually involved in the processes she initiated, and by the time all the non-hypothetical potential watchers took their eyes off them she had been buffeted somewhere else.

Funny. That's just the effect I was going for...


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Glad to hear you're feeling better. You should take care of yourself like this all the time.

    Nothing like clean sheets!

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    No more yarn? Heh heh heh. Time to start emailing you links to indie dyers. That'll fix you right up! (liz)

  3. Why am I not surprised you're a Prachett fan too. One of my favourites to explain some of the people I encounter in my work..

    "Let's just say that if complete and utter chaos was lightning, he'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting 'All gods are bastards'."

    -- Rincewind discussing Twoflower (The Colour of Magic)

  4. I will be sure to check in on you on the level in your yarn bin from time to time.

  5. what? Only 40 projects.....pu-lease, you know you've got another container in your resist is futile.....

  6. Oooooooo clean bedding and a bath? You stole the dream right from my heart, you luxurious vixen you!

  7. Going some place with Eskarina sounds very much like doing an art fair or antique mall with Sally. I wonder if he watched her at some point in the past. I was far too busy trying to appear unconnected by ducking behind racks and crawling on my knees under tables to actually watch this amazing process. Always a fun time though.

  8. oh how i understand your yar conumdrum. i too have a yarn addiction. i rationalize by telling myself they'll all be turned into xmas gifts. hence i have been spending most free minutes knitting, ever knitting . . . and then i dream about losing cow of the rows and dropping stiches . . . *shudder*

    and i too have been returning to Terry Pratchett books as i am want to do in winter - i do love them so. bot i have to admit that for the first time i was underwhelmed - with his latest book. but one can't expect a homerun everytime . . . what did you think about it, if i may ask?

  9. "I vow not to buy another skein of yarn until I have completed all works currently in-progress."

    I've been saying that every since I finished college and stopped moving around. I'm not sure if it was a wise move to make you-know-what my profession so as to legitimate my stash.

  10. lainy - it's good to BE feeling better :)

    liz - you evil woman

    skywriter - that's one of the best quotes, too. Good stuff!

    barbara - note to self: find new place to stash...

    schnoobie - and here a whole week later, I've made no progress!

    b - bon bon, darling?

    lin - some people make shopping an art-form.

    suspiciously pleased - yes, it's an addiction, and I don't want to be cured. It's like a bin of possibilities, oui? I haven't read the latest book - I'm working my way through Discworld - but I LURVED Good Omens.

    meg - Yeah, it's a sickness, and it seems quite common, actually.
