
Friday, October 19, 2007

Uppity woman alert:

buck pennington had this site up, and I found out that I'm not allowed to play reindeer games in China. Check out your Sino-blogability at

All the cool kids have been blocked. If you can read this, I'll bet you're blocked too, and I love you for it! Keep on blogging in the free world, pipples.


  1. Yes!
    I'm a cool kid, I'm a cool kid!

  2. Hey, and I never even said anything nasty about the Chi-coms! Well, maybe I let something slip about Rooskies but still. I even like their cooking (if it's done over here with OUR ingredients NOT from Wally World, mind you). I am feeling just a little slighted here.

  3. I'm wondering how accurate that test is. According to that site, even Dogster is blocked.

    Do the Chinese get to see ANY websites?

  4. Me too... And I LOVE the Chinks. Well, you know, their food... and their flip flops.
