
Saturday, October 27, 2007

This was a whirlwind week from Hades.

Anyway, I haven't made my usual blogrounds, but I'll be hitting everyone's blogs on Sunday night. Going out of town til then.

In the meantime, for all those folks who've been talking about the pain of wearing heels, there is ONE shoe company I would recommend that makes the most remarkably comfortable shoes that I know of for less than $100/pair.

The brand is called Sofft, and you can get them at Nordstrom or Zappos. They are amazingly comfortable, and I suspect that someone who couldn't wear other heels could manage to be comfortable in these. Plus, they are amazingly cute.

Also a word on fit for heels is they should pass the pencil test: you should be able to slide a pencil in between the back of your heel and the inside of the back of the shoe. This is the proper fit. Tighter than that is too tight. By the way, I learned that from a tango dancer who knew too well the importance of proper fit for heels.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Have a good weekend!

  2. oh they are cute. My problem is I have short feet (size six) for my height (almost 5 9) and my feet are WIDE. Think Donald Duck feet.

    I've had really good luck though with heeled boots through Zappos on line. (I never wear skirts or dresses in my line of work, nor when I'm off) They've got a lot of wide sizes in styles that don't like like Frankenstein shoes, and if they don't fit, send them back with the prepaid label and they immediately refund your money or get you a different pair.

    They were recommended by a duck footed coworker.

  3. I did not know about the pencil test. I desperately need a new pair of shoes and I shall keep that in mind when I finally drag my lazy ass off to go shopping.

    Those pictured shoes are very cute.

  4. Oh, so cute! All mine allow a pencil on the right pair, easily, but a sheet of paper only on the left! Funny how they manufacture them.

  5. I have those shoes...they are wonderful!!!!

  6. Yes, you look Very cute in those shoes. And I never heard that about the pencil test before.
    BUt I've got one of the same problems Skywriter has. I've got those pesky WIDE feet, but mine are longer than hers, a size 8.5 for my 5'9". That's why I can't order those shoes in the above post. And "I WAAAANT those mauve/pink wingtips in the worst way," she whined. But I don't see that they come in a wide width.

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I'm gong to get me a pair of those shoes!

  8. hammer - I did! Thanks.

    skywriter - yeah, that free shipping at Zappos is a real life-saver for lots of hard-to-fit folks. Love that, and especially that you have a full year to return them.

    barbara - they are quite comfortable - you'd love them.

    kate - yeah, I have them in two different color schemes - I wear them often

    holly - the pencil test was new to me, too, but it made a world of difference when fitting heels. I WANT you to have those wingtips - they'd be awesome on you!

    leazwell - Rock on! Don't wait - it's a limited edition color, and they'll sell out fast.
