
Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm just going to throw this out there, a propos of nothing, pretty much: George Clooney is a useless tosser. Can't stand him. It pisses me off when people liken him to Cary Grant, because even though I can't picture Cary Grant covered in axle grease, I still can manage to think of him as manly. Clooney, on the other hand, seems downright girlish. Yuck.

Unbelievable thing happened to me today: someone phoned me up at the office and asked for me by name, and said he heard I was one of the best managers in Dallas and he'd like me to consider managing his (swank, upscale, brand new) apartment development. He came to my office and talked to me for about an hour, basically an impromptu interview. OMG. Anyway, after another week of trials that have to do with petty ego issues, well, it didn't break my heart to consider other arrangements. It made me feel SO much better. I won't go anytime soon, though, because my boss has been a great advocate for me and I couldn't leave her in the lurch like that. It just FEELS better to know that someone out there sees & appreciates. I'll try to hold onto that feeling for the next time the rollercoaster plummets to the depths.

Saturday I'm going to do something really exciting, and I hope to post pictures here for the Sunday post. Yay!

Y'all have a great weekend!


  1. You go, Girl!!!

    I can't think of anyone more deserving than you. Hopefully there won't be too many "bidet-boys" at the new place!

    Wonder how he heard about you?
    Someone musta been bragging about you!

  2. Aw, shucks. I'm still rather in a state of disbelief, as though a bad experience with petty, egomaniacal types is indicative of my work experience in general, when that clearly is not the case. He told me he'd contact me with the name of the person who recommended me. Made me feel very good. Actually, I think the person who recommended me was a realtor/apartment locator. In any case, it was a grand compliment, and I'm humbled to be thought of so well. It couldn't have come at a better time, though - all that chipping away at me was starting to make me doubt myself.

  3. Great to hear that you got a boost like that!

    What was your take on him as a potential employer? Did he come across as a good dude?

  4. dba dude - It was a welcome surprise for me, I'll admit.
    I liked him, and I'd venture that he and I have similar philosophies on what it takes to run this kind of property. We talked for an hour together and got on well. I'll keep my powder dry and see what happens. It would be nice to have a sort of transition there where I work there Saturdays and get a feel for the company, and vice versa before anyone commits to something like (horrors!) full-time employment. We'll see.

  5. Phlegmy could you please sed me an e-mail? you time is approacing......

  6. Well, here's hoping. Good jobs are actually hard to find, but one may have found you!

    What's a tosser? I've seen minimal Clooney - I would never see something with the word "Oceans" in the title. And nobody benefits from Cary Grant label. But when I saw him in "O, Brother", I knew he can act.

  7. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Sounds like a good plan to me. Check them out and see if you're a good fit for each other.

    If so, then leave the junk behind for the new ride.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  8. That's cool. I know that makes you feel good. Very cool. Enjoy whatever is going on. later.

  9. By the way - the "World Dominion Cupcakes" have been posted on my blog (with a little link to you).

    They are YUMMY (burp).

  10. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Always good to know we're wanted, huh? Do what my son did. Tell your current boss. He got a big raise to make him stay.

  11. What a nice happenstance! Don't lose the guy's contact info! That's just too darned fabulous.

  12. What a neat thing to have happen! You deserve that kind of recognition!

  13. so, i have to confess...George Clooney is REALLY into me, often flies me out to his place in Italy, offered me a cameo in Oceans 27..i hope this won't affect our world-domination plans...

  14. mark - done. That sounds ominous, though-- should I worry?

    g bro - I thought he was playing himself in O Brother, but I did enjoy his performance. He's got the lothario bit down pat. I just say he's not manly enough. Oh, and I believe a tosser is a wanker, right? Like, one given to more onanistic pursuits.

    rabbit - I could stand a different set-up. We'll see...

    fhb - yes, nice change of pace

    skywriter - I'd lurve me one of those cupcakes right about now

    myron - my boss is under so much stress because HER boss is the wanker who threw me under the bus, and I couldn't live with myself if I added to her stress by making her replace me right now. My job is going away within 5 months, one way or the other.

    lin - Yes, nice to have more contacts

    kate -yeah, it was a nice surprise. Aw, shucks, thanks!

    mully - Yeah, I heard he was chasing you when he had that motorcycle wreck. And of course, why WOULDN'T he be into you??? You're totally smokin', babe!
