
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Holy crap!

That's hot right there.


  1. Wow.

    Fabulous gams.

    Wish I had legs like that...

  2. Heh. That sure got the guys going ... in 1967. ;)

  3. Wow, at least that makes up for the previous vid (truly dire) - the music is 10 times better, and as for the eye candy...

    Time for a lie down.

  4. christina - No kidding - them's some ass-kicking broads. That should be a workout video, or somesuch.

    mauser*girl - *L* I'll bet it's pretty much got the same effect 30 years later! All I know is that I was impressed.

    dba dude - Well, there you go. I had to do something to make up for the digital display thingy.

  5. Thanks for this, Phlegmmy! I really like YouTube's (sorta) new interface that takes you to related vids... I spent a few minutes watching the other vids from this concert, and Tina's take on the ol' Sly & The Family Stone hit "Higher" most definitely did it for me. !


  6. Thanks for that blast from my past. There is nothin like a hot woman singin' her lungs out! Oh, and Ike was nuttin' but a pimp! She didn't need him and was sooo much better off w/o him. Excuse me while I go buy some of her music and Aretha's.

  7. Classic stuff. Huge respect for her. Like the anti-Paris H.

  8. I must hang my head in shame...
    I finally got a chance to show this (and some of the other, related, clips) to Silver...and she had no clue who Tina Turner was.

    Gulp. I obviously have failed as a mother.

    However, I'm somewhat redeemed by her reaction. She said that Tina Turner was "Aphrodite personified"!
    (She's into mythology right now), and marveled how she's kept her looks and voice over the years.

    I told her that Tina obviously made a pact with the devil...;)

  9. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Love,LOVE Tina Turner! Thanks.

  10. When mini-skirts work. (Yeah, I'm reading from the newer to the older posts.)
