
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ahhh... at last, there is one kind of shooter that the City of San Francisco is okay with. Well, at least they are open-minded to the prospect.

[San Francisco's Department of Public Health is examining the possibility of opening a "shooting gallery" in which junkies could come and inject their illegal drugs in a safe and clean environment. All the cool cities will have one, no doubt.]

Heroin? Come on in.

Methamphetamine? First door on the right.

Smith & Wesson? You're under arrest.


  1. Bhagdad by the Bay is so wound up with self-esteem its oblivious to embarassment or criticism. Place reminds me of Third Grade for Billionaires (who run it by proxies).

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Doesn't surprise me at all that these assholes condone breaking the law. Certain laws, anyway. Steal their fuckin' Prius and see how they like that. "But I needed it to go find my dealer to get me some smack so I could come to the city's shootin' gallery."

  3. Nope, doesn't surprise me. Amazing, how everything is twisted on it's head. Wonder if they'll ever decide to set aside certain places for child molesters. After all, it's an alternate lifestyle.

  4. dirtcrashr - it's a whole 'nother world, innit?

    myron - It's topsy-turvy, to say the least.

    fhb - truly. *chilling*

  5. True story: the Mrs. and I are leaving my nephew's apartment in the Mission district of San Francisco. Guy sitting on the sidewalk sticking a needle in his arm, says to her, "Oh, don't mind me, lady. I'm harmless."

  6. Actually, I think I'd rather see a junkie loading up than to be squirted with San Francisco hippy breast milk, but that's just me.

  7. OMG, two-plus years there (I worked in the Financial District; lived in Berkeley for a year and San Ramon the second year) and do I have stories. But I'm trying to forget. Like... I had my very own homeless person. Really. Everyone has one. Well, everyone in my office, anyway. It's all downhill from there.

  8. I love San Diego, but California will never, ever be a place I could live.

    Political correctness run amok!

    PETA rules!

    Forget gun ownership!

    Californication, indeed...

  9. At last, an opportunity to quote Mister Wu - "San Francisco Cocksuckers!"

  10. buck - wow. Your own personal homeless person. So, they adopt you? Sheesh!

    christina - yeah, you can have my part of that. No wonder folks are fleeing

    dba dude - *L* So you're a Deadwood fan? Me too! Mr. Wu got it right.

  11. The SF Board of Supes is so full of supercilious condescension it's just amazing their heads don't spontaneously combust from the methane gas-cloud they constantly emit from both ends.
    I'm 50-miles down the peninsula and armed in case they wander out, but even the homeless up there disdain the rest of the region.

  12. Legal "shooting galleries" for heroin, Medicinal Marijuana "clinics" to cure what ails ya. You can shoot up, smoke a joint and walk the streets naked during gay rights parades, but don't you dare smoke a cigarette in public, second hand smoke is bad for you.

  13. dirtcrashr - You know, I've noticed what a tremendous disparity there seems between the city-dwelling Californians versus those from the outer reaches. Same with north and south...

    jr - Brilliant point. But you know, it's for the greater good.
