
Friday, August 10, 2007

Yay. I might get to leave hospital Sunday or Monday.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The good news is I'm all caught up on my sleep.


  1. Crossing fingers AND toes!

  2. Anonymous6:02 AM

    So glad you are caught up on your sleep and may get to leave there. Remember, when you get home to take it easy and drink lots of water to flush your system. It takes your body time to heal, especially in this awful heat.
    Sending well wishes and hugs.

  3. Can You Talk yet? Call my Cell too much to say in comments or a text or email, way to hot for print!!!

  4. Um, when you get home and start shufflin' around the house, you'll be outraged at how fast you're ready for a nap again.LISTEN to what they say about taking care of yourself Relapses are worser. People go home after quadruple by-pass heart surgery faster than your hospital stay. (Yep, have a friend who just went through quadruple and was home in four days.) You been Real Sick, lady. Take care. My guess is they will want someone with you at first for most of the day. So get it done. You're well worth it.

  5. You should ask them for a facial and pedicure while you're just lying there.

  6. Fingers crossed? Check

    Legs crossed? Check

    Eyes crossed? Che...oh, I never have figured out how to do that.

  7. Fingers are crossed. Just don't ask me to cross my legs.

    Take it easy and get well soon.

  8. Take care of yourself babe.

  9. Pneumonia? Tough.
    Lots of rest, lots of water. And frequent cuddles.

  10. Fingers and toes crossed.

    Now if you had named the hospital, we could all have sent flowers to "phlegm"! LOL

    How apropos!

  11. Yay! You might escape today!

  12. Get well soon, Missy! John Fluevog is having a sale!
