
Monday, August 20, 2007

Nephew is turning a ripe old 5 in a couple weeks, and he wants a pocket knife. I was thinking about giving him a little Leatherman Squirt P4. It's pretty tiny with a small blade, and heck, he's gotta start having knives sometime, doesn't he? Anyway, pending approval of his parents, I'm planning to give him this, but I was wondering if any of y'all had a suggestion for an alternative first knife for a young warrior. I figured he'd get more use out of the pliers than the knife, anyway, and what little guy doesn't love the extra gadgets?


  1. Looks like an excellent choice to me. Kinda want one for myself. I gave my son his first knife this summer, and he promptly lost it in the Sierras somewhere. I was not very happy about that. Hopefully your nephew will be more careful...

  2. kevin - I hope he'll hold onto it and treasure it, but at the same time, I just hope he has fun with it and is very careful.

  3. I just had a little fold out knife, my parents didn't know.

    Either that one or a swiss army of some sort would be good.

  4. I wouldn't be without my titanium Gerber. Carry it everywhere. Of course the surgical blade might be an issue with mom.

  5. I think you can never go wrong with a machete.

    Seriously it looks like a great choice.

  6. You're such a cool aunt! I want one, too, but I want it in pink so hubby won't use it!

  7. I like the leatherman squirt, but don't discount he swiss army or Uncle Henry -- those have a "classic" look to them that hint of adventure.

  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I found my hammer in his drawer, maybe he'll leave my tools alone when he gets this, I'm gonna have to come up with something better than a beta fishy. On second thought he'll probably ues this to skin the beta fishy. A

  9. Dr. Pig says that Leatherman can't be beat. (Now he'll probably get Bean one for Christmas ;>)

  10. I have to admit, I'm very old school when it comes to pocket knives. So with that in mind, here's my two cents:
    The Leatherman is cool, and I have one in the glove compartment of my truck, but they're bulky, heavy, and not much fun to carry around.
    When my nephew was born, I gave him a Swiss Army Knife, and I think you can't really go wrong with one like this:
    Of course, I also gave him a .22 rifle, so now you have an idea of what kind of guy I am.


  11. I would have loved to have something like that as a kid. Right after that machete hoosierboy suggested. And a BB gun, a hunting knife, and...

    Seriously, good choice!

  12. If you order it direct, they will engrave his name on it.

  13. I think that is really cool! If he doesn't like it, you can send it to me. ;)

  14. Anonymous3:41 PM

    It'll need a lanyard or a belt/pantsloop keeper. That way his Mom can take it out after she's washed it a couple of times.


  15. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Don't feel bad if his mother says no. Kids being kids, if that thing ever got to school...BIG trouble regardless of innocent intentions.

  16. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I say yes. A

  17. hammer - thanks - the SAK is a great suggestion!

    tickersoid - the surgical blade might be an issue with Auntie, actually!

    hoosierboy - oh, he'd LOVE a machete. He goes through swords from the dollar store faster than you can imagine.

    flo - they have it in fuschia, but I'll bet your hubby would fight through it and use it anyway.

    jack gordon - thanks, I'll check those out!

    Sis - well, maybe he needs a gift card for tools from Home Depot, while we're at it!

    liz - Bean'll love it - and they DO have it in pink!!!

    james - what a cool uncle you are. Thanks for the suggestion & I'll check it out.

    atavist - thanks! At 4 years of age, that man already has a BB gun, and maybe a pellet gun? He's an intrepid guy.

    georgeh - wow -I didn't know that - very cool

    mauser girl - I think it's a sure thing for him, but if not, I'll hook you up!

    rabbit - I'll bet it makes quite a racket in the dryer!

    leazwell - Yeah, I thought of that, but Sis said ok just after your comment. This one's school bag will simply bear watching in perpetuity - he's an intrepid, creative guy with a thirst for adventure, so there's no telling what contraband will find its way into his satchel. Dead critters, poached tools from mom's tool kit, crossbows. Who knows?

    Sis - I thought you would.

  18. OK then, replace the surgical blade with one of those devices for getting boy scouts out of horses hooves.

  19. Some of those things are amazing.. Too many friggin' gadjets, but cool as hell. He'll be a lucky little bugger, if his folks approve.

  20. Anonymous7:51 AM

    that is DARLING!!! I want one.
