
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Let us cleanse the palate of bad film by talking about good films for a moment.

I know I mentioned this film before, but I'd like to say again how marvelously well-written Keeping Mum is. Here is the trailer, for your enjoyment:

This film is a black comedy throwback to the golden days of the Ealing Comedies, from Ealing Studios in England. Foremost in my mind among those films is their 1955 film The Ladykillers, with a cast including Peter Sellers and Alec Guinness. I actually thought the Tom Hanks 2004 reworking of The Ladykillers was pretty good, but the original was so surpassingly brilliant that it did not need re-tooling, either.

Anyway, rent Keeping Mum asap. You'll thank me. Oh, it's rather rude and inappropriate for the kiddies, fyi.

And that brings me to this delightful bit of news that warms the cockroaches of my black little heart: he's back.


  1. Oh good God. When the hell are they gonna make a Blackadder movie? That first one looks hilarious. What the hell happened to Patric Swayzie's career?

  2. You know, Patrick Swayze has done some phenomenal acting sorta underneath the radar in recent years. In this film, he's a womanizing pervy golf instructor. In Donnie Darko - he was amazing as a motivational speaker with a huge, horrific secret. I think he's actually a really good actor. I wish he'd dared to age naturally rather than going the plastic surgery route, but at least he does have some good acting chops.

  3. Looks like my cup of tea.

  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Ah, Mr Bean. One of Mrs Myron's favorites. She'll be happy to know he's baaaaaaaack.

  5. tickersoid - That's what I like about you. We like the same tea.

    myron - Isn't Mr. Bean just the cutest? I mean, he's such a total goober.

  6. I just adored "Keeping Mum". Maggie Smith is one of my all time favorites!!

    Recently we rented the first two seasons of a British sitcom called "My Family". Really hilarious!

  7. Oh and eeek eeek eeek! WTF happened to Patrick Swayze? Yikes

  8. attila - Maggie Smith is amazing. Never saw My Family, but will have a look if I ever get a chance. Patrick Swayze looks all dried-out and like he's been over-surgeried, doesn't he?
