
Friday, June 08, 2007

Dogs with cones is such a cool site, and now they have the cutest little old lady dog over there. Rock on, doglet!


  1. Doglet is absolutely adorable! Nice clean clone, too. I was mortified to bring Brou back in to the vets with his skaggy-looking cone. You knew that THEY knew that we were not being anal enough about that whole process.

  2. Sites like that always leave me torn between wanting to go, "Awww, poor little doggie" and laughing hysterically at the photos.

    On a side note ... gimme a chance to finish spell-checking and editing my posts before commenting, woman! :P

  3. lin - Thanks, she melts MY heart, but I can't be objective. You know, I woke up thinking this morning that with the bordatella thing, I should be wiping the lampshade down with alcohol or some such. But, ya know, just keeping them from chewing or licking themselves into and infection is anal enough, IMHO.

    mauser - Yeah, I got a therapeautic bunch of laughs at that site yesterday.

    And that made me grin - I didn't see any typos on your blog. However, I HATE when I go back later and see a major goof I left on mine. Eek!

  4. Hi,
    I started Dogs with Cones because they just look pathetic, but yet they are happy in their hearts!

    Tell your friends!

  5. Thanks, Mark - yeah, they are still dogs, aren't they? Dogs so rock. I loves me some dogs. Dogs with cones are cool, too! Thanks for making that fabulous site!

  6. It was my pleasure, you might enjoy my blog entry: CSI, Our House.
