
Monday, April 09, 2007

Every spring, the bluebonnet - state flower of Texas - carpets meadows throughout the state. Along country lanes, parkways and even busy expressways you will see families pull their cars over to get photos of the kids with the bluebonnets. I've heard tell that in other states people mark door jambs with kids' heights, but here we just do a progress report by gauging their growth since the last time they were photographed with the bluebonnets.

Here's a particularly lovely grouping of humanity including a big, buff Marine, a pretty lady with a goddess for a sister, a sylph-like ethereal beauty of a girl, and one particular pocket Atlas who recently added coyotes to the list of things he wants to kill.

I hope your Easter was lovely.


  1. Never seen that before. Thank you for sharing.

  2. What a wonderful family shot. The "pretty lady" has classic movie star her sister must also be a knock out!

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Thanks Sis, and Mushy. And thanks to B for taking photos of us. A

  4. Anonymous8:58 PM

    my favorite picture of my daughter is of her in the bluebonnets on a roadside on the way to killeen. cutest kid on the planet.

  5. What's he got against coyotes? I love the shirt-tail.

  6. tickersoid - Believe me - you could almost get sick of bluebells in Texas if they weren't so incredibly sweet and fleeting - sort of heart-achingly lovely, actually.

    mushy - Yeah, I thought it was a pretty picture, and I didn't even mention the wiener dog. Yup, she's very pretty, and I'm just satisfied that people can tell we're sisters. She IS the pretty one, by the way.

    sis - you're welcome

    tony - Yeah, the bluebonnet pictures are the best, and it's great to see families getting out and enjoying something uniquely Texan.

  7. Man, tourists tramplin' the state flour. Sheesh! Hell, we've all done it. We sure do have a bumper crop this year. Was afraid the snow would ruin them but it looks like they shook it off. Great picture. Must be good DNA. Not too much chlorine in that gene pool.

  8. Yeah, what does your nephew have against Coyotes? The way the Dearly Beloved accuses Boo of being part coyote, better not let the Nephew meet her. I'm not sure if your Fav Niece is tip-toe thru the wildflowers of trying not to get her tootsies wet from the dew. Either way she looks precious lifting her skirts oh-so-daintily. And the Nephew with that shirt-tail out! Reminds me of TallSon at that age.

  9. Happy belated Easter greetings to you, phlegmy. Fantastic pictures of you and the family:)

  10. Gorgeous family. Gorgeous flowers.
    Gorgeous pictures.
