
Monday, March 19, 2007

I already posted this image over on the diorama, but I like this building so much I thought I'd post it again.

This is a grand structure, photographed in the dying light of day. In fact, I started wondering if I shot this in B&W setting with a blue filter, but then I noticed the traffic light at the bottom of the shot, and, well, no, it WAS that color.

One marvelous development in recent years is that many downtown buildings like this one were clad in "modern" exterior facades in the 50s, 60s and 70s, but developers are returning these structures to their original glory. I don't understand why there is such an insistence on "updating" architectural works to reflect the passing fancies of another age. These "updates" inevitably look more cloying, dated and poorly planned than the original structure. There's also that brilliant quote from James Lileks: Nothing says yesterday like something that said tomorrow. Damn skippy!

Hankering of the hour: black walnut ice cream. Wish I had some.


  1. Cool looking. I find my self getting dizzy looking up at skyscrapers.

  2. Fried chicken and home made peach ice cream for dinner tonight... I just thought I say.

  3. hammer - I'm not fond of heights, personally.

    fathairybastard - Thanks for giving me a case of fried-chicken-&-peach-cobbler-envy.

  4. I would love to walk around with you one day ... snapping photos together.

    I love the way you see things.

  5. Nice shot, really pulls the eye heavenward. I love the old architecture - the courthouse in Milwaukee is fantastic as is the cathedral in Strasbourg. No steel and glass, but intricately decorated stone work. You don't see that anymore. The goal is to get it up as fast and as tall as possible, no craftsmanship or pride in the end result.

  6. Hankering of the week: Sara Lee cheese cake... Husband bakes great cheese cakes anytime I ask, but sometimes it has to be the hard frozen stuff... He doesn't understand...
