
Friday, February 16, 2007

Just some general housekeeping here.

Did you know most yogurt contains gelatin? Did you know gelatin is ground-up animal bones? All these years I've thought that gelatin was ground up horse hooves and pig trotters, but not bones. --not that I have the least compunction against eating animal products, but, you know, yuck. It's funny how ground-up animal bones would sound more repugnant to me than the ground-up thick-and-curly toenails of various ungulates.

Now, blood sausage/black pudding? Yes please, and make mine a double, and be a sweetie and fetch me a Guinness while you're at it...

I heard someone say they think the Caveman from the insurance company commercial is sexy. Um, ok...

When I was in Austin to see Imogen Heap at la Zona Rosa, I saw a girl in the bathroom say to another "are you from whore island?" I didn't linger to see how that played out, but I've been quoting her ever since. AND, I've been scanning the tv listings for a new reality show called Whore Island. Thus far, none have appeared...

Several residents called to ask me about the vandalized car on property from this weekend. We've had a pretty charmed existence and very little to complain about on that score. This happened to be the new Mustang of the female half of a bitchy, useless spoiled couple. Seems every bit of glass was broken from the vehicle except the windshield right in front of the driver. I 'splained the residents that this clearly didn't happen on property or there would be a tremendous lot of glass strewn about. I also commented this must've been a hate crime...

I showed a huge apartment to 3 boys who attend SMU grad school. They thought they were players. One of them said "now, do you pay for the electricity?" I said "No, and I'm not paying your credit card bills, either." Ask a silly question...

Went to Texas de Brazil for early anniversary dinner on Thursday night. It was so cool - the fountain out front is partially frozen with veils of ice hanging down from the top tiers and with water streaming down over them - it was spectacular. This is just about my favorite restaurant anywhere. The way they season the meat is superb, and they have a phenomenal salad bar. Actually we always talk about bringing my parents there - I think they'll love it. We'll have to do that soon.

UGH - Friday already? I've got to study for class tonight. I hope the teacher this weekend is bearable. No cornball jokes, please, or at least one that doesn't spend all day saying "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges."


  1. The whole gelatin/blood sausage thiung makes me wanna spew.

    And the caveman thing kills me. Guess there really is someone out there for everyone.

  2. Whore Island is awesome. I have to find someone to use that on.

  3. fathairybastard - blood sausage is glorious. You have not lived, my dear.

    zelda - it's awesome, isn't it?!

    g bro - wow! Cool! I win! Thanks for the kudos. I figured if they were just bent on stealing stuff, why break out more than one window.

    And now it's my turn to totally gag - showering with 3 SMU boys? Perish the thought. Husband is the first and only SMU boy I'll ever truck with. Come to that, he's so totally NOT SMU - when he was there in the mid-80s, he used to ride his 10-speed bike with a banana seat around campus, to the collective sneers of the over-rich style whores one finds there. This makes me giggle every time I think of it.

  4. Great post - lots of interesting tidbits! You are a collector like me!

  5. fuzzbert - aw, shucks! I'm glad you liked it. I love that name, "fuzzbert."

  6. happy Anniversary, Phlegmmy and Husband.

    Make your own yogurt - there's nothing to it, and it tastes heaps better. A woman of your many talents can do it blindfolded and with your ands tied behind you - ok, one hand.

  7. So the fact that yogurt is essentially spoiled milk didn't bother you either, just the bones? Don't be too grossed out PF, it is not the actual ground up bones that it used to make gelatin, it is only the goo that floats to the surface while boiling the ground up bones...

  8. Ok, that did it. Here it comes.... Bluaaaaagk! Pfew, I feel so much better now.

  9. Gelatin isn't merely ground up bones, it's the goo that is rendered out of bones (AND HOOVES) after the bones have been boiled a long time, THEN it's dried, and pulverized into a powder.

    The only way to ensure that the gelatin that you use is vegetarian, aka carageenan or other vegetable based gelatins, is to purchase KOSHER gelatins.

    Wanna know what's repugnant? SCRAPPLE! That's repugnant! Each one pound brick of the stuff contains no less than four pigs' anuses.

    Just thought I'd share...
