
Friday, February 09, 2007

I would have sworn I posted once about the soul-sucking vacuousness that was the Anna Nicole Show trainwreck. I distinctly remember predicting her demise, but I was wrong: I said she'd be dead with 2 years, and that was 2002. Pi-tee-ful.

You know, I occasionally have very rich kids come in and rent apartments, and I have to say that some of (not ALL) the trust fund kids have been the worst, flakiest and most irresponsible tenants I've seen. Apparently, staggering wealth destroys as many people as it helps, and I'd say moreso in the case of fame. Better off out of that mess - life is complicated enough without having a supermarket rag reporting the Preparation H boxes they found in your trash bin. Then there's the matter of the blood-sucking hangers-on. Leeches.

Anyway, back when it started, I watched an episode of that show, and I simply couldn't bear it - it was too pitiful and disturbing. It seemed obvious to me that the producers must have fed her a steady diet of stupefying drugs and booze, strung out as she was.

They must feel very proud of their work, now.


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Yeah, watching that show was very hard to do. I couldn't ever do it.

  2. When I heard the news, I laughed and laughed! For two reasons:
    1) It is sort of poetic justice when you gold dig an octagenarian billionaire for you to die in your 30s.
    2) I can just picture the TrimSpa people SWARMING for PR damage control! Hmm...she took thier speed, dropped 80 pounds, and died within three years with a reportedly elevated body temp (something the product claims to do!)...somebody's got some 'spaining to do! BWA HA HA HA!!!

  3. PS: For whatever my two cents is worth...

    I have a brilliant idea for a reality t.v. show. A spin on that oldie, "To Tell The Truth," only it'll involve men vying for paternity. "Will the REAL baby's daddy please stand up?" It would just go a step further than Maury Povich:)

  4. I think Darkmind hit it on the head. Now all the dudes who shtupped her are gonna crawl out of the woodwork to try to get the money. Sordid. Trash. Very sad. Poor little kid.
