
Thursday, January 25, 2007

This sweet girl is the daughter of a dear friend. From her mother's blog:

She has a condition called strabismus, which causes her left eye to
cross. The glasses help her align her eyes in the correct position. We also
patch her right eye for about an hour a day to help strengthen the muscles in
the other eye. Unfortunately, the muscles in her eyes that control the up/down
motions are also affected by this condition and can not be aided by patching or
glasses. The doctor was hoping that, with time (Bean has been wearing glasses
for 3 years, since she was 20 months old), those muscles would equal out in

It's not happening.

The doctors will need to perform eye surgery to correct this problem. This will be an outpatient procedure and she'll be coming right back home with mama and daddy today, but it is general anesthesia, so no matter what it will be nerve-wracking for her folks.She's scheduled for surgery at 9am, so please send a prayer or a positive thought her way. She's a future scientitst and we're all going to need her expertise.


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    What a cutie! My prayers are with her and her 'rents. I know the angels will watch over this precious child.

  2. Yes...the world needs more brilliant minds. I'm prayer for little "Bean."

  3. My thoughts are with her.

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Good stuff going her way.

    I had that surgery at seven months old...both eyes. I came out fine and normal, except for the ability to look two different places at once. But that's only if I try. Otherwise, my eyes are just fine.

    I'm sure her's will be as well. And a future scientist? You have no idea how much that warms my heart!

  5. Anonymous1:19 PM

    much love from all of us. She's fine and, while the aftermath is a bit icky, she's such a trooper that she woke up in recovery and demanded the popsicle the nurses had promised her.

  6. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Prayers for the lil cutie from Mrs Myron and me. We know it will be alright because our oldest son had this surgery when he was 9. And he'll be 50 this year and never a problem.
