
Friday, January 26, 2007

Tam and Hollyb have both tagged me with a meme in which I reveal 5 unusual or little-known things about myself. Seems I've done something like this recently, but here goes:

1. I prefer bottled water to city water, and I prefer sparkling water to non-carbonated, and I prefer Pellegrino to Perrier.

2. I went to court-reporting school for a bit after high school. I had the attention-span of a lit match and sort of drifted away.

3. I was a cheerleader in 8th grade, but I flaked out in my studies (it's not as if I was ever studious before) and got kicked off the squad. This sucked, because I could no longer ride to the games with my friend across the street, Lanell Antonetti, who had an adorable brother who was in high school. Oh well.

4. Same year, we were moving to Texas and my mom decided to wreak the ultimate vengeance upon me and make me repeat 8th grade, even though I passed 8th grade and was qualified to enter 9th. She was successful in that quest after lobbying the evil Principal Heath to her cause, and informed me I would repeat the 8th grade until I had a better attitude. When I got to Texas, the classes were easy and we were doing work I'd done in Arkansas in 6th or 7th grade, and I made honor roll without trying. Mom was so proud of herself for turning things around for her wayward pup. I don't think my attitude has ever changed, actually, but I certainly learned to keep my thoughts to myself. Then came blogger...

[Eek! I'm sensing a completion issues theme here. Time to change gear!]

5. I like to pick up rocks and bring them home when I travel. I have lots of rocks. I have one pretty dove gray/slate blue rock shaped sort of like Venus di Milo which I picked up on the beach at Dover in England. I also have a lot of heart-shaped rocks.

OK, I guess this was odd - I hope it wasn't too crashingly dull!

Liz' girl Bean came through the surgery very well, and thanks for all the warm wishes from all you lovely folks. I hope the results are the best possible outcome for her, and I know she's in the best of care with incredibly loving parents.

Now, you must know Liz is an incredibly learned person from a long line of brainiac folk, so intellectually she's no slouch. Anyway, she married a super-smart engineer-type guy and of course to everyone's joy they had Bean. Bean is adorable and so much a little girl and so much a little lady all at the same time. Anyway, once she was talking to someone and said "Mommy wouldn't understand that. She's an artist. Daddy and I are scientists." Mind you, this was when she was about 3.
It warms my heart when I hear she is so proud to wear the little necklace I made, because she has a great sense of style. She's recently dubbed herself the "Queen of Dallas, Texas." My kind of gal!


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    And that pic you posted of Queen Bean proves what a "girly" girl she is! I'm so glad she is doing well post-op. She sounds like a BGiT - Baby Goddess in Training.
    As for your MeMes... those are interesting. #4 is very insightful. Thanks you for sharing.

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Are you sure Bean isn't yours? Glad things went well for her and her family.

    And #1 and #5 you took off my list. And how your life might have been different had #3 didn't happen and you stayed on the squad, eh?
