
Sunday, January 07, 2007

She was home alone, bored and lonely. Why do they leave her to knock about this place by herself when she'd rather be loose and free as the wind, running to check out all the interesting odors with which the world is teeming and occasionally chase cottontails? How can the world keep turning without her there to micromanage it?

Sure, she's an old lady these days - 15 - that's about 75 in small dog years - but doesn't she still have needs? Doesn't she still have... desires?

So what if she does have to take several dollars' worth of supplements and glucosamine/chondroitin twice a day to keep the old hips working (too much jumping off refrigerators and the like as a young pup)? All those careful, dainty steps shouldn't lure one into thinking she's not still full of ginger. Yeah, she shivers all the time, but does that warrant the humiliating donning of dresses which her Mistress insists upon? We think not. We think the convention of clothing is beneath our kind and should be left to the trivial species. But I digress.

Her mistress has been bakin
g cakes for all and sundry, and she's stood patiently by, never complaining about getting only occasional crumbs. She knew her day was coming.

Mistress sat Myron's cake, quad-wrapped in cello and taped into a tin on the coffee table, ready to sit down and bedazzle the tin. Distracted and tired on Friday night, Mistress never got around to bedazzling the cake tin and forgot about it.

So the cake sat there in all its rummy goodness, tantilizing fingers of cake scent wending their way through through tightly-wound layers of plastic and a very snug lid. "Come hither" whispered the fingers - "the glories of egg and sugar and rum and butter await inside-- it is useless to resist me."

Lo and verily did she hie and hither forth come, relishing the problem-solving challenge of removing the lid of a tin with no thumbs-- for what tin could be a match for such abiding desire?

When I got home and found the dog had been at Myron's cake (I'm making you another!), I was shocked (shocked!) to find my deaf/half-blind/geriatric doglet had made free to help herself to the cake. My 15 pound she-beast ate about a pound of a 4 pound rum-cake. That would be like a 200 pound man eating 30 pounds of rum cake - incredible!!! Anyway, I hope the old bitch is hung over!

Poor thing. It's funny to think what must go through a dog's mind. Anthropomorphism dictates we'll think dogs are vindictive (OK, Erin's wiener dog Uno IS vindictive, but he's smarter than most) and that they are ornery on purpose, but in fact, probably the closest dogs get to being human is a sheer befuddlement over the fact that we drag lots of lovely meat and other goodies back home to the cave and we don't gather 'round and dig into it all at once - what is wrong with us that we don't set to devouring all that lovely food immediately?

Once about 13 years ago I left a bag of groceries on the coffee table (same coffee table - HEY , mabye there's a connection!) and forgot about it, and a box of butter had been put in this non-cold bag and I didn't realize it. I came into the room to find she had eaten the entire pound of butter and there were little greasy-pukey butter-puddles all over the floor. Fortunately, I lived in a loft at the time and had concrete floors, but sheesh!

So, anyway, she sorta acted sheepish, but i just grabbed the camera and made her stand for photos with the carcass. After all, she's a killer - she should be proud!


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Yay, Doglet. Maybe the leftover 3lbs should be shared with Myron's dog/s?

  2. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Happy new year

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I feel for you. My Fox Terror just got on the kitchen coutertop and did the same to a pot of chili that was destined for the garbage disposal.

    Following that, she opened the cabinet door underneath he sink and helped herself to packets of pressed dishwasher detergent in a cardboard container. I just found 2 packets in the den and one in an overstuffed chair. She's trying to pay us back for her bath this morning.

    It does smell lemony fresh in the kitchen and den, however.


  4. "After all, she's a killer - she should be proud!"

    In deed she should. She did slay that beastie of a cake all by her ownself. Proud she should be.

    And if you had sent it with an explanation I would gladly have trimmed around the part she ate. It wouldn't have been the first thing I salvaged from a pooch. Nor, I'm sure, the last.

  5. meg - what a brilliant ideer! *LOL* Still, I'll send an unspoiled version to Myron & his Mrs. and they can share with the pooches as they feel inspired.

    poderoso - here's looking at ya.

    rabbit - Ah, don't hounds just enrich our lives? They give us a good laugh, occasionally. Detergent?? Well, at least her gas will be lemony fresh for a couple days. What a maniac. Yup, they're cousins.

    myron - Obligatory trophy shot for the family photo album. *L* I dunno about sending the picked-over cake to you - besides, husband has already cut off the molested bits and started polishing off the rest of the cake. He was elated to know there was yet another "house cake" (that's the ones I say I'm not sending out for whatever reason) and he patted the dog and said what a good girl she is. Last house cake we had, I ate 2 wee slices and he inhaled the rest, so he WOULD welcome more.

  6. Ah, just send him the other part...she didn't eat much!

  7. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Poor Doglet! If you'd been a better Mommy she wouldnae have to have done that! If you'da just shared!
    Poor starvin' baby Doglet! Boo and Ben feel her pain. They are poor starvin' babies, too.
    Rabbit, that is one WEIRD dog. Even Ben, the Canine garbage disposal, doesn't eat detergent! Weird.

  8. Anonymous8:50 PM

    It's full of booze right? Antibacterial? Yea, just carve off the nibbled bits and send it.

    Too bad critters don't have frontal lobes... no memory of the gross butter pukage to dissuade her this time. But then memories of projectile unpleasantness rarely deters us ether, does it?

  9. "greasy-pukey butter puddles" - now there is an image that will stay with me for quite some time!

    Sassy doggy!

  10. mushy - I shoulda done, but husband's already eaten half the rest of the cake!

    hollyb - 'tis true - I'm a neglectful and abusive mommy - she only eats part of every meal I have, and some of that before I've even sat at table with it. Oh, and I think if she got the idea that a human would be willing to eat dishwasher detergent, she'd fight through it and snarf up a bunch of that, too!

    fathairybastard - *L* Well, it has rum in the batter and rum in the glaze. Again, it's too late to send it to Myron - not enough left! Nope, still we march on and eat and drink despite vivid memories of pukiness. HOpefully, though, for us, pukiness didn't come from consuming 1/15th our body weight of anything within a minute or two.

    barbara - I'm glad she made such a powerful impression on you. It's funny, but she doesn't have the same catalog of expressions that other dogs seem to have - she just looks blank, mostly, so it's funny to think of wheels turning and the dark waters of plots eddying behind that bland countenance. The little devil!

  11. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Hope she feels alright, very funny story. Tonight I had to pretend my dog has a medical issue to explain why he decided to lift his leg on both my grandfather's lazyboy recliners - when I believe he did it for no other reason than old fashioned spite - didn't get the attention or table scraps he is used to.

    She is adorable, by the way. Why is it when I read your prose about the little gal I imagined her internal voice with a slight English accent? I'm weird.

  12. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Lol cake killer. She looks good for 75.

    When I was a kid my dog ate three packs of rolaids. We called the vet and asked him what we needed to do.

    The vet said, "buy him a pepperoni pizza"

  13. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Sometimes a girl just needs to eat cake.
    To know that even though she's old - she can still woof down a pound of rumcake AND break the rules.
    Bless her bad little heart.

  14. Anonymous12:51 PM

    aren't dogs great?? I had a beagle mix that ate 1/2 of a 9x13 cake (chocolate mint flavor).


  15. Well HELLO!! RUM CAKE!!! can't say I wouldn't have done the same.......

  16. jacquie - wow - that was definitely a revenge pee - get him to therapy! *L* You know, _I_ think of her has having an English accent, too, but very down-market. She's a scrapper and would be a street-urchin, given the choice.

    hammer - I LOVE your vet - great sense of humor. Ew, rolaids. ick.

    lj - that girl really RILLY needed cake, apparently! Bad little heart,indeed. Still, I love the dickens out of her!

    sudiegirl - dogs rock! Chocolate mint - *L* Beagles can be real over-achievers, can't they? Still, they're worth all the trouble they cause - sweet things.

    schnoobie - *L* It IS a pretty good cake, I must say. Still... I wonder if the booze affected her at all, though? She's so small, and she ate so much of it...

  17. That is too funny.

    When Lola was a pup we made the mistake of leaving her alone in the car for about 5 minutes with a half a pan on brownies wrapped in foil. Needless to say, when we came out, EVERYTHING was gone.

    The ER vet said to have her drink peroxide to induce vomiting - and boy did it ever!
