
Monday, January 22, 2007

The property with this marvelous gate is for sale, and I'm SO longing to buy it. I'm serious - I'd happily put my house on the market tomorrow if it meant getting this place. The main structure is a 1907 Victorian style store-front, and there is a 2br frame house in back. Super-cute. I would love it and pet it and call it George. It wouldn't be greedy for me to have two houses, would it? *blink* *blink*


  1. Anonymous1:09 AM

    This would make a fun bead and henna shop, you should buy it. A

  2. It's south of Waxahachie. Yeah, it would be great for beads and henna. That's the ticket. And I could hire you to run it, right?

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    That would be a neat old building to turn into a home. Does the sign above the door read BANK?

  4. Yes, it does say "bank" - and the building is only about 1000 square feet, it could be a shop or just a studio for my jewelry making, with living in the little frame house behind, which I think is cute. It's on a 125'x120' lot, and the little frame house is about 900 SF. I think it could be an incredible place - and judging by the gate, the current owners speak fluent phlegmese.

  5. Anonymous1:40 PM

    PF! It's next year's Christmas tree!

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Whatever grabs yer goo goos babe.

  7. lj - oh, if only!

    fathairybastard - good, I'm glad you're coming with me on this one!

  8. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Cool! The building also looks like one in Briggs, Tx. One of those little towns you must be sure not to blink or you'll miss it.

  9. Anonymous11:20 AM

    What else but Ranchorita Joyería studio and store?? (OK, the commute time dynamic might change, but it just looks the part, doesn't it?)
